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I remembered the time when we were all so happy, not a care in the world, but I can't remember a time when we weren't running from walkers. My family was the weakest out there, besides Mandy. She was the one that helped us survive, until a heard hit and I ran, far, far away. I learned to survive against a small group of walkers, maybe five or so if even that many. I remember when Mandy told me to run from those walkers, she said she would draw their scent off track wall I climbed a tree. She didn't come back to me after that, I thought she had been torn apart by one of those things. It's been so long since I had a family, a place to call my home. Everything was going great in the prison, especially since Rick came back with all of that food. Daryl has been helping Hershel care for Mandy, and Carol has been helping. Carl has been doing who knows what, and Lori? I almost forgot her name, but she died giving birth to her baby, who Daryl is calling something I will not think. Everything was perfect, until it happened. Glenn and Maggie gone for days, a girl named Michonne showing up holding baby food, we needed help. When Rick and all of them went out, Carl and I were forced to stay. Carol had to hold me back. I might of not known them well but I sure wasn't losing anyone in this camp. But then when. We freed them Merle came along. Then he died. Then our fence was broken. Mandy wanted to help out but her cuts to bad for her to move. I so many people had died, then the fight came again. I was stuck in the woods with Carl but he killed a living breathing man. No older than fifteen. I cried a lot from that, but I try not to. Carl has grown distant, many people worry about him, about me. They shouldn't worry though, because there is nothing to worry about.


I looked up to see Mandy, arms folded and anger burning in her eyes. "Where is my crossbow?" I honestly didn't know but if I has to guess I would of guessed where all of the weapons were.

"I don't know. Ask Daryl."

She rolled her eyes and walked away, but I couldn't remember what I was thinking about. "Mandy!"

I stood up and ran to the door of the cell. "What?" I hugged her tightly because she was my sister, and I haven't had a hug in so long.

"I missed you."

She smiled, not showing her teeth but I could tell she was happy I said it. Daryl walked past and glanced at us confused, then kept going. "Daryl wait!" Mandy ran from my grip and chased after the man with the crossbow. "Where is my crossbow, my arrows, I need them."

"You want to talk about getting your weapons back you talk to Rick." He pushed her out of his way and she stormed off into her cell. There's the Mandy I knew. Always getting mad when she didn't get her way, always looking out for me, she was the only one who really cared. Then I found the group I'm in now. Yea we have our ups and downs, but it's strong, and we will last.


"Story time? Really? That's for little kids." I begged him once more to go. There's a little girl named Julie that goes, she treats me like her big sister since one of the walkers got her not to long ago, but Carl, being the stubborn Carl I know and love, wouldn't go in my place to watch Julie. I was about to punch the face until he finally agreed.

When I walked over to Julie's cell I told her about how Carl was taking her. She didn't seam to happy until she whispered in my ear she thought he was cute. "Well, I won't tell. Don't worry."

I laughed at her. Carl gave me a weird look, and then Julie. She was only about three or four and her grandparents were taking care if her, so I decided to help them out. I smiled down at Julie, and then up at Carl, and then walked away.


"Carl! Julie!"

I ran to the outside of the prison looking for them both. Maggie appeared behind me and starts screaming "walkers! In the prison!" I ran back inside, knife ready, but I didn't need it. All of the walkers were dead. So many people dead.

"Wh-where's Julie?"

Hot tears started to stream down my face as I looked around for any sine of the little girl. Then Daryl came down the stairs with her alive, and unbitten.

"Oh Julie!"

Daryl handed her to me smiling, but where are her grandparents? I looked up at Daryl and he shook his head.

"Grandma and grandpa are asleep, that was Daryl told me. They has red batches on them that the biters made. Is that what made then fall asleep?"

I nodded, "now Julie, your grandparents are asleep, forever. You can't ever talk to them again, but you can see them if you close your eyes. You want to try it?"

She nodded her head and closed her eyes. "I can see them! I can see them!" She yelled. A faint smile appeared on my face wall my thoughts turned dark. Who was going to take care of Julie?


I know this chapter was shortish... Like all of the others, but! I'll work super hard this weekend! I have to work on a project to it might be a while until I post.

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