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Okay... For starters I haven't updated in such a long time I'm sorry for that... I feel terrible!!! But I love you all so dearly! I'm so close to 1,000 reads too. I can't thank you guys enough. I love you all even if you don't vote. It means the world to me. Anyway I'm kind of just making this chapter a filler because I haven't updated in so long. Sorry! I'll try to update more. 😘


We were in another house, sitting down eating some sort of rotten meat. I looked out the window to see a passing walker, whom hadn't caught our scent yet. I smiled at the thought of there not being an apocalypse, yet hated the idea. My dad, beat me. I still have the scars. I turned around to see Rick, "Rick!" He looked at me, but he was a walker. I screamed, and ran. Carl was standing there so I ran to him hoping he wasn't a walker. I looked at me and was fine. Worry clouded his face. His dad came in the room and shot himself. I was confused. 'Walkers can't do that' I looked at Carl and he was a walker. I screamed and cried as he came at me. He but my neck, and I just sat and cried through the pain. I was done. My life is....


I screamed again but I was awake from my nightmare. I saw Carl, Daryl, Michonne, everyone rush to my side. Carl pulled me into a tight embrace as I cried, everyone was confused. It went on like that for about 5 minutes because I settled down. "What happened?" Michonne asked as she took my hand. I closed my eyes seeing images from the dream, causing me to open them again. "A nightmare... A terrible nightmare... It was so realistic..." I told them the story, and Carol walked in with baby Judith. She was asleep. I glanced at Judith, wrapped up safely in her blankets. I let go of Michonne's hand and put one hand on Carl's neck, crying into his shoulder. We had found a untouched mansion, and had been here for a couple of days. I was on the couch, allowing everyone else to take the beds besides Carl. He slept on the couch next to mine. I looked up at Carl, who looked worried. "Are you okay?" I nodded my head and barrier my head back into his shoulder. Then I saw a lonely walker who hadn't picked up our sent, just like the one in my dream.


Sorry about the filler >.< I'm moving and just got back from vacation AND working VBS for my church. I move in less than a week and we just started packing. I'll update when I can

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