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Not to be weird but I'm completely making up this chapter. I wanted to add a couple things... Like... Things... Lol. Anyway if this completely weird, I'm sorry. I'm a weird person! Lol. So pretty much what will happen I will explain afterwords for those of you the don't understand.


I watched as Maggie entered Hershel's cell. I was sitting on the stairs, watching as everyone looked around as if they were already walkers.

"Hey kid!"

I looked back at Daryl, who is still deciding my new, (Daryl version) of my name. "Ever wondered how to shoot a crossbow?" I smiled, thinking of Mandy. "I don't need to wonder, I know how. I'm not as good as you but I knew someone that was. Her name was Mandy, you remind me a lot of her." I smiled, thinking of how Mandy taught me how to shoot a crossbow, and somewhat hit the target. He laughed, "stop dwelling on the past. Carol misses her daughter but she keeps pushing on." I glared at him, "you clearly don't know the *BEEP* I had to go through. I can shoot better than half the people here, and none of you wonder why!"

Rick came into the cell block, covered, and I mean dripping in blood. "Rick!" Daryl bolted down the stairs wondering only who's blood it was. "Is that, walker blood?" He nodded and smiled. "There aren't anymore at the gate. Carl, do me favor and take Lily outside, you both could use the fresh air." He nodded and looked at me, so I got up and followed. When he opened the door it was like standing right in front of the sun and staring at it. I looked around seeing all of the dead walkers, if that's even possible. I put my hand on my gun, just in case he missed any. Carl opened the gate and we went inside the other gate, realizing something was off. There was blood on the barbed wire at the top of the fence, and below it lay Mandy, my favorite person in the world. She was alive, but no one was around. She looked like a girl version of Daryl, but... Different. Her long black hair was in a pony tail, she wore short shorts, combat boots, and a t-shirt that showed her belly button. Next to her lay her crossbow, which was full of arrows. She had two quivers on her back, full of arrows with different colors.

"Either you're walkers, or two like punk kids that haven't eaten me yet."

I smiled at her comment and bent down and hugged her, getting my dark blue shirt soaked in blood. "Poor thing, having this prison all to yourself." "We're not alone, don't worry. You're bleeding, Carl, could you uh..."

He nodded then took off his shirt so I could put pressure on the cuts. "How did a scared little kid like you make it this far?"

I didn't know who she was asking, but neither of us answered. "Carl, could you go get Daryl? He needs to carry her back."

"Where's your bike?" I asked her. She frowned. "Well with all these creepy things walking around, let's just say my bike is lost."

I looked around, and saw Carl pointing and Daryl running to us.

"He's cute." Mandy said.

"Uh... Who?"

She laughed then winced.

"The boy, which you seam to like."

"I do not!" My voice cracked, and I looked up seeing Carl was able to her everything that was said. Daryl picked up Mandy and she instantly wondered who was carring her crossbow. "Lily, make sure you... Sure you..."

I already had it in my hand, but she passed out in Daryl's arms for who knows what reason.


Yay! You've met Mandy! :) As you can tell, she already has a thing for Daryl, but he's not that type of guy.


Anyway! To sum it up a girl named Mandy just joined the group! In the next chapter it will explain how Lily knows her, so just wait!

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