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I smiled at Judith laughing at her giggling and the way she was smiling in my arms. I lightly tossed her up again and again as she kept on giggling. I set her down and started to feed her as Carl and Michonne walked into the room laughing. I looked at Carl who was wearing a plaid shirt he found in this house. He threw a piece of clothing at my head and I gave him a death stare. I smiled at him and stopped feeding Judith to get up punch him. I punched him in the arm lightly and he turned around knocking me to the ground on accident. "Owe..." I smiled up at him as he helped me up. "Carl..." I glanced up at him again as my eye site was barely over him. I hugged him as Michonne saw and left the room. He was shocked but hugged me back. I let go and started feeding Judith again. "What was that for?" I didn't look at him as I put the spoon in Judith's mouth. "I needed a hug... I had... Never mind..." He put his hand on my shoulder and bent down to be at eye level because i was sitting on the chair. "Lily... What happened..." I glanced down at the floor as my eyes started to become wet. "Carl..." I started crying as I leaned into his shirt. "The first night they took us... The night they beat me... You... Daryl..." I got his new shirt covered in tears and snot. "Lily..." Michonne came back in the room seeing me crying and said "should I leave?" I glanced up at her and shook my head wiping my nose. "Michonne would you mind-" "Of course. Why don't you two go outside." Carl walked me out onto the porch as I sniffed in my tears. "Carl... The dreams are returning..." I glanced up to see Daryl walking up to us. "What's with the long faces." I glanced up at him and Carl told him for me as I continued to cry into his shoulder. I glanced up realizing a heard of walkers was passing by the house. I grabbed Carl's shirt harder hoping they wouldn't notice us. He gripped my hand tightly and I could feel how tense he was. Daryl opened the front door not knowing about the heard. Once he saw the heard, one, then two, then three, and so forth started to walk towards the house. I ran in side holding Carls hand as all of us ran out the back door. Daryl pushed us forward as we reached a small shed, "We'll stay here for tonight. We should move in the morning." I sat down and cuddled up next to Carl and held hands as I drifted off into a deep sleep, that I wish I could wake up from.

"No!" Carl and Daryl screamed as he stabbed the knife into the wall above my head. "Don't touch her." A man punched Daryl making his nose bleed. "Daryl!"

What seamed like hours later, Daryl carried me back with Carl following close behind. I went back into the corner where I lay before as my head throbbed, my throat dry, and my ankle still in pain. I looked trough the darkness as Michonne came over and examined my weak frail body. I winced as she touched my broken ankle. "Oh honey..." She stroked my hair as I started to relax, "What did they do to all of you." I glanced down and looked at Carl. "They asked questions just as an excuse to beat us. He almost cut my neck open, he kept on beating Daryl... And Carl... They... I mean he... Kneed him in the chest." "He?" Rick looked at me and Carl, you could feel the anger radiating off of him. He was mad if anyone touched someone in his group, especially if it was Carl." "The man that we first met when we got here... That's who hurt us." He glared at door, as if the man was standing on the other side.

"Lily! Lily!" Carl whispered loudly. I woke up with a fright and then realized I was with Carl. "Carl..." I hugged him tightly never wanting to let go. "We need to go, Daryl has everything packed up." I nodded and stood up remembering what I had dreamed about only seconds before. "Carl... Would you uh, mind if I... Held your hand?" He smiled and entwined our hands as we started on our way again. "Carl, what is it?" He stared off into the distance at a walker, who's stomach was cut completely open. "It's my mom."


Yay! Cliff hanger. I know exactly where I'm going with this too. :) love ya guys. :P I have a movie date today! Well sort of... Lol. Sorry about it being so short! I just had to update.

You Can Survive (Carl Grimes Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon