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"That can't be! She's-" I looked around at everyone else who was staring at the lonely walker. I looked at Carl's fist which was holding a piece of paper. I grabbed it out of his hand to see him, his dad, and a women who looked mostly like the decayed walker in front of me. I knew what Carl's mom looked like, but it had been so long, I almost forgot. "Daryl!" A walker came up behind Daryl, and he stabbed it in the head before realizing something. I knew it to be Daryl's brother Merle. "What the heck!" I screamed.

"This isn't logically possible!" Seeing as I was the only one in my right mind, I killed the walkers that got to close. Rick was running to his lost wife, Daryl was helping me 'kill' walkers along with Michonne. Then the woman I knew as Andrea appeared, and it broke Michonne. She went full out on the walkers and took them all down. I didn't know a lot of them but I knew one or two. I was so caught up in the fight to realize Rick talking to Lori. She was chasing him around and he was happy about it. I grabbed Judith and stopped her from sobbing. She was at the point where she could walk, but most of the time we still carried her. I heard the moans of Ricks late wife and got enough courage to go over and finish the job. "You little b*itch!" Screamed Rick. "She was a walker!" He came over and tackled me to the ground, and then punched my face. Daryl had to pry him off of me after a few more punches. When Daryl finally got him off of me, Rick kneed me in the stomach and Carl came to my side as I spit out some blood onto the asphalt. "Ow." The taste of blood in my mouth was not appealing. "What the h*ll dad! Or should even call you that anymore! You never listen to me! Mom is dead and that's all you can focus on since Terminus!" The scar on his cheek stood out to me in the sunlight. "Carl, don't..." I grabbed his hand, and he stood up in front of his dad, whom was still being held by Daryl. "Look at me!" Rick looked Carl in the eye and as if fogged memories came back, he sealed to be out of his phase of uneasiness. "I am your son and you don't even care. Go to hell with mom." I looked up at Carl as a tear fell down my cheek. Michonne came over to my side and checked up on Judith whom I had set down right before Rick had beat me. "This isn't the first time a father has beaten me, you'd think I'd be used to it by now." Michonne helped me stand up as Carl just glared at his dad. "Daryl, let him go. He can go cry over moms body somewhere else." Daryl didn't let him go, so we just stood there not knowing what to do. Then I remembered what caused Carl's dad to beat me, his mom. But I watched her die, and Carl shoot her in the head. She can't be here...


Sorry for such a short chapter... hope you guys liked it though. I'll probably explain all of this later.... >.

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