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Running, aren't we all tired of running? All we can do as people is run. Why is running always the answer you might ask. It's because we, being humans, do running best. Running is your only option. You might not know it, but that is all we being humans are good at. No one stands and fights anymore, but we can't. That's all we need is to run. I was separated from the group at the prison. I was alone, I barely made it until I met Carol. She saved my life, and I miss everyone so much. I saw my little angle get eaten, everyone tried to drag me onto the bus but I couldn't. The bus drove off and and I was left alone. I didn't have anywhere to go. The train tracks, that's what we were told. Follow the train tracks. Tyreese has been a big help. He helped me kill some walkers when one almost had me. I was so scared. We walked and walked and walked. Those two little girls getting annoying. I was carring Judith now, I didn't trust that girl Lizzie anywhere near her after what I saw her do to the poor baby. The funny part was Judith seamed to never cry in my arms, which meant I was always holding onto her. I didn't mind it though, it reminded me of Rick and Carl, I wonder if Carl made it out alive. I wonder if he knows Judith is alive... So many horrors we've faced, but all we keep doing is running and walking. It's a process we can't stop repeating. It's never ending. We keep on following the trail, nonstop. Soon after we stopped at a house. I was holding Judith when Mika had to kill a walker that almost got me. Everyone is talking about not leaving, but I don't want to stay. Traveling, that's what we need to do, but no one is listening.

I ran outside to carrying Judith as everyone including the two young girls shot the walkers. They seamed to be smoking from the fire that was set ablaze. They were cleared out and that night I watched as the girls make the nuts. It was the next day it happened. The next day it was my fault. Mika died, Lizzie killed her, but, I couldn't do anything to stop her. I loved Mika and Lizzie as of they were my sisters, and Judith the same. It was all my fault they're both dead. Judith is in my care now, and nothing is happening to her.

When I walked out of my room Carol and Tyreese were both crying. We were leaving, and back on the trail we go.


Here I am again, doing what I do best. It was dark and I got separated from Carol and Tyreese. They have Judith, and I hope they got away from the walkers alive. I ran farther and then I got to a road, and there were people. Real people, as in people from the prison. People I knew and loved. "Rick! Michonne!"

I smiled at them and they looked at me is disbelieve.


I ran up to both of them and crouched down to hug them. "Where's Carl?" "In the van asleep. How did you make it out."


"Don't say another word. Or I'll shoot."

A man had a gun to Ricks head, a man had one to Michones, and there was a knife to my neck. A stood out of the window in which Carl lay inside asleep. He opened the door and Carl fell out of the van and the man held a knife to his neck. "Car-" the knife got farther and deeper into my neck.

"Stop!" It was Daryl, oh my sweet Daryl. "I know these people. They're good people."

"Now that they're is a lie Daryl. And you know what we do to people who lie don't you? This man killed our friend, he is not a good man."

I pulled at the man's knife but cut my fingers in the process. I screamed because it hurt so much. Two men swooned Daryl and started beating him. I started to cry more than I already was.

"So you know what? First I'm going to beat Daryl to death, then I'm going to kill this here black lady. Then this little girl here, we might have some fun." I struggled harder looking at Carl, as his face was pushing to the ground. He was semi screaming from the pain. "Then, we're going to kill your boy, then you. Seam fare?"

I struggled harder, my throat started to bleed as the man pulled on my hair. My throat croaked and I looked back to Michonne. Then Rick. Rick banged his head against the mans and bit his throat out, scaring me to death I screamed. "Carl!" I grabbed the knife out of the guys hand and stabbed him in the leg. I ran over to Michonne and fell down because the man tripped me. "GAH!" A pain went through my leg and Rick beat the crap out of the man who tried to kill Carl. He lay there, his head on Michonne's lap as I cried about my ankle. Why is it always my ankle? My whole body ached and Carl looked at me, seaming to remember I was here. Then everything got kind of fuzzy and black, as I seamed to fall into the darkness.


Mandy was with Daryl and Beth, of course, they were in the funeral home. The dead bodies lay around, and Daryl slept in the coffin. We didn't eat much of the food since it was obviously well kept by someone else. "Beth, do you think that Lily made it?" Beth looked up at her. "I don't know. I don't wanna know. Id rather not know than have to go through that pain." Mandy looked down, tapping on the table. "How's your ankle?" "Better, still kinda hurts though when I move it at certain angles but besides that it's good." Mandy smiled and Daryl heard something at the door than sounded like the dog from yesterday. "I'll give that mutt one more chance," he said picking up some peanut butter. She ran to the doorway to watch as Daryl opened the door, walkers charging at them "Daryl!" "Mandy! Get Beth out of here!" "We're not leaving with out you!" "Go!" Mandy helped Beth walk and they went to a room, and window was their only hope. "Go Beth, I'll hold them off. No arguing. I'm not letting you die today. Go!" Walkers came tumbling in the room, as Mandy kept on stabbing and stabbing. She had piles of bodies around her as a sharp pain filler her shoulder and skin was ripped from multiple parts of her body. Blood gushed everywhere and smiled, knowing that Beth got out alive because she was the only family she had left.

*End of Flashback*

I woke up in the back seat of a car, next to Carl who was wrapping my ankle. "You're alive," I smiled. I had never been so happy to see him in my life. I grabbed his hand from wrapping my wrist and hugged him tightly as a few tears escaped from my cheeks. "Thank you Carl Grimes." "For what?" "Being alive."


Thought I would be nice since it's Easter tomorrow and all... Happy holiday! Please vote, like, comment, AND MESSAGE ME!!!!

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