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"Carl!" I ran and hugged him. Rick talked to Carol as he held Judith in his arms. Carl hugged me tight and I did the same to him. "How long was I gone..." Daryl looked at us. Then because no one answered, he did. "I'm guessing a couple of hours. We've been looking for you for a long while." I smiled and let go of Carl as Daryl walked ahead, and Carl and I shared a kiss.

"Carl... Thanks for ugh, yea..." I looked around and smiled at Rick holding Judith. Now Michonne normally has her. Carol smiled and looked at me. She walked over to Carl and I and hugged him. "I knew you two would come to your senses." I glanced at her confused. "What do you mean?" She laughed smiled. "Don't think I didn't see the welcome back Carl gave you." My cheeks heated up, and I'm pretty sure Carl's did too. "Come on. Let's go. We need to figure out what to do with Logan." I glanced around. I put my hand on my shoulder and rubbed it, hoping the soreness would go away in time. "Wait... Logan... He's not a bad man, he's just trying to protect himself. Didn't you guys do the same to what was his name... Randall? I mean I've only heard stories but you guys did the same thing. Give Logan a chance." Carl took my hand in his as Carol got mad. "This man hurt you. And that girl. Who is she?" I glanced at her. "I think her name is Lilla. I don't actually know." Carl looked at Daryl who was talking to Lilla. I smiled and laughed knowing that Lilla was the first girl Daryl had talked to since Beth. I mean, he doesn't he says he likes her, but you can tell he does. She giggled at Daryl as he got frustrated. I smiled. It was like my sister... In fact it's been so long since I'd seen her, I can't remember her name. Names of the people who have died leave your mind in this world. Carol was still frustrated, and by what she did at the prison, burning those bodies like that, I had a feeling we would seen Logan as a walker. If you think about it, we run into survivers a lot. Thinking your the last people in this world isn't an option.

I know it's short! I'm sorry! But it's all I had time to write and I was in desperate need of an update.

You guys like how I threw some #bethyl in there? Ah?? AHH? Lol. Sorry for you #Caryl shippers. I ship #bethyl. Lol. Anyway I'll try to update more. Maybe even tomorrow. ;D

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