Chapter One

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Your POV

"Oh come on (y/n) you have to come!" my friend exclaimed I bit my lip. "You know I cant come because I have- curfew." my best friend (bf/n) finished "Its the same with you, your always so...good." I furrowed my eyebrows "What do you mean?"

"(y/n) don't act like you don't know you never drink you never go out and you get straight A's you need to loosen up a bit. I mean its one night what's the worse that can happen?" she's right I don't go out it is only one night I roll my eyes and smiled a bit

"I guess ill see what I can do." she squealed in excitement and pulled me into a hug "Guys!" we turned around to see Lidia one of our friends bringing over two boys. "Hey guys this is my boyfriend Sam." she said while holding the hand of a blond boy I smiled and (bf/n) waved. "And this is Colby his bestfriend." she introduced a boy with longish brown hair "hi I'm (y/n) and this is (bf/n)." he rolled his eyes "ok I'm leaving are you coming?" he asked Sam "B-but were still in school." he shrugged his shoulders "So." the words shot me like a bullet "what do you mean so you cant just skip school." "oh yeah just watch me." he said while walking away I turned back to my friends "I'm sorry about him he can be a little rude but anyway I'm gonna go to you coming babe?" she nodded her head "wait Lidia your leavening to y-you cant just do that." "ah so this is the goody two shoes you've been talking about." she laughed and hit his arm playfully I glared at her and started walking away "c-come on it was just a joke." she laughed some more

I'm gonna show them I'm not a goody two shoes because






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