Chapter Four

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Your Pov

I woke up from the sudden movement  my head hurt like a mother fucker and my brain felt all mushy I groaned and relaxed in the arms of the person who was caring me "Hey I need to get you up to your room." the voiced whispered while slowly putting me down I felt all dizzy and weird so clung onto the guy that was helping me to balance myself "I need to climb your balcony and once I'm there ill pull you up ok?" I nodded my head slowly trying to comprehend what he just said but be fore I could he got out of my grip and climbed up the balcony as I stayed down below tripping over myself "Pst." I looked up to the familiar voice now on the balcony he lowered his hands down for me to reach and lifted me up like it was nothing then carried me brittle style to what seemed to be my room I think I just know that when I woke someone was in my bed me head hurt like hell and I couldn't remember anything

I woke up to the sunlight streaming in through my window. "I fucking hate life." I groaned while laying my head on someone's chest that laied next to me wait what. My eyes shoot open and lands on Colby? I grab my pillow and hit him he instantly waking up "What the hell are you doing in my house?!" I yell "I took you home last night." he groaned. I search though my memory but couldn't remember a thing "Ooo you have a boy in your room." both of our heads snap towards my door to see my little sister standing in the door way. "I'm telling mom." she taunted I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her but just missed her. I turned to Colby who was already putting his pants on "W-we didn't...." a smirked placed on his face "Have sex oh yeah we totally did you could really tell your a virgin." I ran my hand through my already messy hair."I'm joking he laughed." and I released a sigh of relief "Don't do that." I placed a hand over my still beating heart and he laughed once more. My ears perked up at the footsteps making there way to my bedroom "Kiss me." "What?" "Kiss me please do it now." "Ok, ok you don't have to be-." Before he could finish I grabbed him by his color and planted a kiss on his lips as soon as my door begin to open. "Oh I didn't realize you had a friend over." I pushed him away as I turned my head to face my mother I felt his eyes on me "Its ok because you and me both know that whatever this is." she motioned to me and Colby "Will be ending soon." "Excuse me?" "Oh honey don't take it personal its just....your a good girl." I roll my eyes at her lousy respond. Why dose everyone keep saying that "Look at him after this he's not going to be seeing you anymore." "What do you mean?" Colby and I said at the same time. "Are you assuming I only want to get in her pants?" Colby asked slightly annoyed "Isn't it obvious you got what you wanted you can leave now." I look down and realize I'm only wearing a red bra and some black short shorts I look around for something to cover myself but stop when Colby throws his leather jacket on top of me and I quickly put it on. "Thanks." I mutter "I promise mom me and Colby didn't do anything we just......slept." she scoffed obviously not believing me and turned to Colby. "I'm sorry to break it to you kid but I give you about a week or two I hope you know you guys aren't going to last oh and also on your way out use the door this time." She said before leaving my room "I-I'm sorry I dragged you into this ." He shrugged "Its ok Ill play your boyfriend its just.......when I need you to do something you need to do it deal?" He held out his hand "Deal." I said while shaking his hand "Well girlfriend show me the way out." I laughed "Sure boyfriend."  

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