Chapter Eleven

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(your outfit to school)

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(your outfit to school)

(You guys live some place warm)

Aaron's POV

All night I couldnt sleep, I was thinking about y/n......not in a creepy way I made her feel uncomfortable and I probably shaked up her relationship with her and Conner or whatever his name was. The point is the only person who was nice to me yesterday even though I still think its for some extra credit or something but why would she need extra criedit I saw the score that she got on a test im guessing they took when I wasnt here she had beauty and brains. "H-hey." I blink out of my thoughts when I see a girl with s/c skin and e/c alluring eyes"Oh hi I-im sorry am I in your way?" I ask while grabbing my stuff to make room for the girl that stood infront of me. "Oh no." she laughs slightly "I-i'm bf/n." she spoke and suddenly it clicked thats y/n's bestfriend I met her yesterday  at lunch "I-I'm sorry you probably don't remember me-" "No I do." she stops "Y-you do." I smiled and nodded "Oh good because this was about to get awkward." she laughs a bit maybe a nervous laugh. "I was just wandering if you would like to-." suddenly she was cut off by a familiar voice "Colby my brother is going to kill you." she laughs  "Oh hey guys." Guilt was eating away at me don't ask why I feel guilty because now that I'm thinking about it I really didn't do anything. "So what were you guys talking about." y/n asks I quickly looked away once I realized I was starring "Oh uh nothing." I looked at bf/n who was already looking at my with eyes filled with suspicion and hurt 'Oh Aaron what did you do now.' "I uh have to go I'll see you guys later." she says while quickly picking up her stuff and dodging my eyes "Wait." I called but she ignored me and left "What was that about?" y/n asks I shrug my shoulders "But y/n I-" before I could finish "*Cough* limits *cough*." Colby interrupts "Y/n we have a few minutes to get to class don't you still want to keep your perfect attendances." "Oh shit we gotta go." she says quickly before dragging Colby to their 1st period class "I-I'll just see you guys later." I mumble more to myself then to them .

Colby's POV

We enter the classroom it feels weird since I am never her on time one arm was draped over y/n's shoulder while the other was holding her book bag. She sits down in her seat and I place here book bag at her side then I sit down behind her and soon everyone starts pouring in. "Everyone settle in while I introduce you to the new kid." "We have another new kid?" y/n leans back and asks "Apparently" I sigh and my mouth hangs open when I see who it is "Shit." I mutter "What you know him or something." she whispered/asked "Well you can just say me and him go way back." I say back "Hi guys I'm Jake-from state farm ." I can hear y/n whisper with a laugh coming after it and I just had to join in "Excuse me Mr. Brock and Mrs. l/n do you have something to share." We both shake our heads while trying to hold in our laughter "As I was saying." Jake carried on "My name is Jake Webber." he smirks looking straight at me "I know some of you guys." His eyes remain on me and I glare at him "And I want to get to know most of guys." his eyes flicker off mine and on to y/n's and with that he goes and takes a seat right next to her "fucking convient" I mutter to myself. 

Your POV

The new boy takes a seat next to me and to be honest he's actually pretty cute. "Pst hey." someone taps my arm and my eyes meet the new guy's eyes he smirks as his eye's roamed my body. I rolled my eyes and put my focus back onto the teacher who was talking about who knows what the class seemed to drag on with all the constant tapping from the new guy and me starring at the clock counting the minutes until I snap and punch him in the nose and finally the bell rang. I bent down to pick up my bag but to my supries Jake got to it first. "What the hell do you want." I said getting annoyed ever since he sat down next to me he's been annoying the crap out of me. "I'm sorry." he said somewhat appoligetic and handed me my bag I slowly took it and slung it over my shoulder. "Well she dosnt have time for your stupid apologies." a familiar voice spoke I looked over at Colby who was gentaly taking my bookbag and putting it over his shoulder "Ah its Colby my favriot guy in the world." he said with sarcasum "So you guys do know each other?" I look at Colby confused as hell "It's a long story." "That I have time to tell!" Jake pipes up "Well we don't." Colby says while trying to usher me out the room "Oh come on Colby I bet she's dying too know who Shea is!" I furrow my eyebrows and swerved to look at Colby "Who's Shea" "Well now she is." Colby mutters "Well she's-What are you guy's still doing in my class room!." We looked at the door to see the teacher standing there with some papers "I'm sorry sir we were just leaving." Colby says quickly while grabbing my hand and exiting the room he walked me to my next which I was awfully late to but since I'm never late my teacher let me slid so I sill had a perfect attendance before entering the class Colby took my hand and kissed me on the cheek knowing people were watching of course so when I got into the classroom there were some glares and some awes before I took a seat next to bf/n who I saw take some sneak peaks at Aaron when he wasn't trying to sneak in some glance at her 'What the hell did I miss?' I think to myself.


Guys its not over yet there's still a lot coming I just stopped it here cuz I thought I was making the chapter too long

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