Chapter Sixteen

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Your POV

"GET DOWN!!" Colby yells over the bullets and I obey. Glass flew into my hair as the a built hit the window. I tried covering my head but failed, as soon as Colby floored the gas petal my body flew into the seat causing glass to sink into my back. "Here take this." I hear him say, I slowly look up and my heart quickens. "I need you to take this and hit the green cars that are following us." He says while moving the gun closer. "Colby I cant." The only time I held a gun was when I was hunting with my dad and even then I couldn't kill anything. So my dad did the hunting, that night while everyone was eating rabbit I ate a doughnut to sick to eat the cute little bunny. "I-I cant Colby I cant." I say once again "Please y/n its either you shoot and get lucky or we die because their gaining on us." I shakily grab the gun and aimed it outside the window, adrenaline pumping "Aim at the glass, AIM AT THE GLASS!" Colby yells but I don't listen. my brother says that aiming at the glass doesn't really do any thing especially if the enemy has back-up always aim at the tire he says. That way it will slow them down so I do just that. I take a deep breath before BANG! I hit, the car went swerving behind "Shit...nice aim." Colby muttered

Time Skip

We came to our final car and so far no one died.....I think I mainly hit the shoulder or rib not trying to kill anyone. I aimed the gun at the tire once again when a fierce pain grazed my shoulder and scared me, causing my gun to go off "Shit." I whisper I put my hand to my shoulder and hot blood came seeping out. But that wasn't what I was worried about I was more worried about the car that was swerving farther and farther away. "Hell yeah you did it." slumped into the chair feeling sick to my stomach. Colby glances at me a couple of time before finally speaking up "What's wrong?" hot salty tears slowly pooled out of my eyes

"I killed him"

Barley above a whisped, Colby's smile started to fade "What?" "The driver." I whisper like I'm telling some secreat "The driver I killed him."

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