Chapter Ten

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Your POV

I turn around getting ready to scream but before I could fully turn around I got slamed into the door not to hard to hurt me hard enough to make it sound like I through something at my door. Before I could talk, scream, or do anything a hand was placed over my mouth I looked up to see Colby and widen my eyes in surprise. He then gently took his hand away from my mouth

"What are you doing here no, no, no how the hell did you get into my room." I whispered yelled

"Your balcony door was open."

"No really I didn't even know." I say sarcastically  

"I mean my room is on the second floor."

"Oh yeah I climb abandon building almost all the time."

"Oh that actually seems fun you should take me to one, one day." I say while going over to my balcony door and locking it

"Oh yeah totally." he said with words filled with sarcasm

"So." I say while sitting down on the bed "What brings you here to mi casa." he smiled slightly and sat down next to me but not too close.

"You were right." he says while scratching the back of his neck and I furrow my eyebrows.
"What am I right about exactly you see I'm always right and you know sometimes it's hard to keep track on what I'm right about." I joke and he laughs a bit "I don't really know you." he confesses while rubbing the back of his neck "And that's why I'm ask you out on a...... you know..."

"A date." I finish and he nodded his head awkwardly. And my stomach began filled with butterflies. 'ok y/n he just asked you out what do you say do you even want to go on this- wait what am I saying OF COURSE I WANT TO GO! nope too excited calm down y/n pretend bf/n has just asked to hang out with you.' "Uh we don't have to if you don't want to." he says suddenly braking me out of my thoughts. "NO! I uh I want to go." I say quickly maybe a little too quickly damit y/n you had one job ONE JOB!

"R-really!?" I nod my head with a faint smile placed on my face he let out a sigh before returning the smile like an actual smile not one of his cocky 'little do you know I fucked your bitch' smirk but like a real genuine smile making my insides burn. "Great I'll see you tomorrow." suddenly everything I felt before was now gone. "Tomorrow night?" he nodded his head "But I have- Remember." he cuts me off "I'm here to piss off your parents." he says with a wink I smile when really I just wanted to bang my head up against a wall. "Yes...." he kisses me on the head but immediately stops as if he was thinking it over. He looks at me for a split second before heading over to my balcony door and unlocking it. "By babe." he smirks "By babe I expect a paragraph tomorrow mourning." I joke and he groans, before he slips down the tree that's by my balcony and I rush to look over the edge to make sure I didn't have to burry a body but unfortunately  he was ok "I'll see what I can do!" he yells loud enough so I can hear him "And I'll see what I can do about our date." I mutter to myself as Colby ran off.

Ghee this next chapter finna have so much drama in it so get prepared 

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