Sinon, Empress Of Nara, Gods eye

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Aiko: Sinon are you ready?

Sinon: let's do this.

Aiko: very well, you are the Empress of Nara and your specialty is scouting areas and you have gods eye which means you can scout area miles away from you.

Sinon: so I'm a hunter.

Aiko: yes you like to hunt down your targets and keep your city save from intruders by doing regular scouts.

Sinon: so who I hunt down?

Aiko: criminals, bandits, soldiers from other cities and maybe the leaders themselves.

Sinon: well that's going to be tough with a bow.

Aiko: you almost forgot, each of you receive a wish of something that will help you and your focus is hunting people down.

*inside Sinon's head*

Hhhmmm something that will help me kill people and I'm able to use, I don't know of any cool bows that will help.


Hey sinon heard you took out the guy with a minigun he was one of toughest people in the game and you took him out in one shot.


Thats it something that I can use and can one shot them.

*in the real world*

Sinon: Aiko, I would like the Hecate 2 sniper rifle.

Aiko: I see you've had experience with this weapon before.

Sinon: yes it was something that made me stronger and helped me.

Aiko: I don't blame you its a good choice and suits you.

Sinon: so is that a yes?

Aiko: you decide the wish and I see if it matches the needs and the sniper does indeed.

Sinon: sweet.

Aiko; are you ready to enter the world?

Sinon: I've never been more ready.

Aiko: very well good luck and be safe.

Sinon disappeared from the world and blanked out, hers eyes opened to a completely new room that she's never seen before.

Sinon: am I here?

Sinon stood up and looked on the side of the bed, the Hecate 2 stood proud with ammo magazines all around it.

Sinon: good to see you again old friend.

The wardrobe opened and to her surprise it was her GGO gear she was wearing in the tournament.

Sinon: does that mean?!

She rushed to the bathroom and stated at herself in the water, she looked exactly like her GGO avatar and even wore the same clothes.

After a couple minutes if getting use to herself again she walked out of the building with her sniper on her back.

Sinon: ok, I'm fine now let's just explore more for now.

A strange feeling hit her like she was been stalked she stopped and turned around while taking her sniper out and aiming at the person behind her.

Mysterious women: you have very good reflex's ma'am.

Sinon: who are you?

Mysterious women: I'm sorry to sneak up on you like that, I am Mikasa your companion.

Sinon: you defiantly put me on the edge there.

Mikasa: I've practiced my ninja skills pretty well to become a master ninja.

Sinon: are your bow skills any good?

Mikasa: oh they're good, I just prefer throwing knifes and my blade.

Sinon: I can sense a strong enchantment on that blade.

Mikasa: yes indeed, this is the legendary Muramasa Katana.

Sinon: that's a pretty rare weapon to have.

Mikasa: its been in my family for a while.

Sinon: I see people are practicing very hard.

Mikasa: yes learning to become a professional hunter is indeed difficult so they all try their best.

Sinon: do all of these people only learn archery?

Mikasa: no, archery is our main combat style but they learn much more such as hand to hand combat, blades etc.

Sinon: I see.

Sinon stopped and looked forward, her eye scanned ahead and showed a group of bandits trying to get into the village.

Mikasa: what is it?

Sinon: I see 6 bandits behind the walls, may be scouts but I won't take my chances.

Mikasa: we should go and sort it out.

Sinon: right.

Mikasa jumped on the roofs of the houses while Sinon stayed on the ground and ran with her sniper out, Finally they made it to the wall and scanned the area.

Mikasa: can sense their presence.

Sinon: yeah they're over there behind those rocks.

Mikasa: do they know we're here?

Sinon: negative, I think they're just waiting for something.

Mikasa: I sense more people up north west.

Sinon: reinforcements.

Mikasa: we should take them out and then question the scouts.

Sinon: alright move out.

The bandits stated forward and saw their reinforcements coming towards them.

Bandit #1: remember what are task is.

Bandit #2: yeah I know avoid been spotted and get into the palace.

Bandit #3: without out violence.

6 gunshots came out of the Hecate and took down 6 of the reinforcements while Mikasa killed the other 4 with her throwing knifes.

Bandit #4: what just happened!

Sinon: you invaded my territory.

Bandit #5: its the Empress of Nara!

Bandit #6 we didn't mean know harm we swear.

Mikasa: Ma'am I think we should send them to the prison until we understand what their main purpose was.

Sinon: good idea, call in the guards and get them taken away from here.

Mikasa: Roger that.

Sinon stared out into the distance and scanned the horizon.

Mikasa: is there any others?

Sinon: not that I can see of.

Mikasa: there will be more attacks so we should be very cautious.

Sinon: yes especially at night, people love to sneak up at night.

Mikasa: ninjas work mainly in the dark to avoid attention and it gives them more stealth.

Sinon: you work in the day too though.

Mikasa: master ninjas like me don't need to worry about the time of day, we can work in any condition.

Sinon: thats pretty cool.

Mikasa: yeah we should head back, those guys might of given us some answers by now.

Sinon: yeah good call.

Sinon and mikasa walked off and headed into the village were they were greeted by all the villagers.

Mikasa: what if those guys were sent by and Emperor or empress?

Sinon: well then they messed with the wrong Empress this time.

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