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Hi everyone i do apologise with all my heart for not writing for a long time, I've had a lot happening IRL and my phone got damaged in the process and i had to sort out education, work etc and all that made me really busy.

The good news though is i'm back!

I have brought myself a laptop as writing on PC is quicker and easier then on mobile or tablet and so i will be able to carry on with this book that i''m excited to continue and see your reactions!

I have had time to plan out all the chapters and the storyline that will go on for a really long but enjoyable time :)

I'm also planning on starting another story some what in the future however, it won't be a fanfic but my own personalised book with my own characters and a cool storyline that i have also been planning.

Thank you guys for showing support to both of my books and i hope you can all forgive me for now that's all i have to say so thank you for reading this and understanding and i will do my best for you guys.

-Rain :)

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