Asuna Empress of Osaka, The Sacred Blossom

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Warning The following chapter and Future chapters will include swear words as this is a book more for grown ups if you require me to warn you about swear word or your too young i recommend you leave this chapter now, If your fine with this please carry on the swears are just for extra drama and they use these a lot in anime so yeah enjoy :P 

The sun slowly rose over the great walls of Osaka, the wind was calm and the cherry blossom trees reflected a beautiful pink shine into the sky. The towns people talked and laughed as a free was given to everyone today allowing them to rest and enjoy a beautiful summers day.

Guard 1: Sure is nice today.

Guard 2: Yeah wouldn't mind enjoying the sun.

Female voice: Whats that?

The guards turned around in surprise as a girl with orange hair and a white cloak covered with red flowers came out of the shade.

Guard 1: Your majesty Asuna we didn't mean anything like that.

Guard 2: I do apologize it was my fault.

Asuna giggled and tapped both of them on the shoulder.

Asuna: It's the first day of summer, go spend it with your families.

Guard 1: Are you sure you don't need us?

Asuna: It's a day of peace for everyone in Japan, no one will attack.

Guard 2: Thank you.

Asuna: While your on it, go tell the other guards their of duty as well.

Guard 1: Will do.

The guards walked off in a cheer and quickly bowled while a little girl ran past them with a huge smile.

Girl: Mommy!

Asuna: Yui, come here.

Yui hugged Asuna tightly and smiled at her.

Asuna: Did you sleep well?

Yui: Yes, i had a beautiful dream.

Asuna: Really, what was it about?

Yui: Daddy coming back.

Asuna stared down at Yui and tapped her on the head.

Asuna: It would be nice to see him again but, no one has seen him since you were born.

Yui: I know that's why it was nice to see him in my dream.

 Asuna and Yui walked through their garden and looked at every flower and talked about each one and gave them nicknames as an entertainment.

A man with armour walked up to Asuna and bowled.

Asuna: Daichi, shouldn't you be relaxing?

Daichi: My apologizes miss but, we need to talk.

Asuna: I understand, Yui go play with the other children.

Yui: Ok mommy.

Yui ran off into the city to meet up with her friends while Asuna began walking with Daichi.

Asuna: Daichi, i know your my armies leader but there should be nothing to report today.

Daichi: I know but, something is very strange out in the lands and seas.

Asuna: Today?

Daichi: No from several days ago.

Asuna: Go on.

Sword Art Online The New WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora