Chapter 6, operation white death

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*4:00am, near the west coast of Japan*

Under the slowly rising sunrise a huge fleet moved forwards for another attack on the coast and getting a hold of it.

Rain stared through his binoculars and watched every gun.

Valkyrie: are they down?

Rain: they've been repaired and some added but they haven't seen us yet.

Valkyrie: so what should we do?

Rain: send the destroyer fleet to scout the area first then will attack at sunrise.

Valkyrie: what of kaga?

Rain: tell them to be ready after we cover the air.

*Coast of West Japan 5:30am*

Solider: nothing to report yet.

Yuuki: guess another day to strengthen up.

Kirito and yuuki slowly drank their tea as they're were beginning a new day.

A huge sound came from the sky in front of them.

Yuuki: a storm this early?

Kirito: GET DOWN!

Kirito jumped at yuuki and pushed her to the ground as a shell flew over them and exploded one of their turrets.

Yuuki: were under attack!

Kirito: get everyone ready now!

The solider nodded and ran to the bell and started to ring the bell repeatedly.

*Meanwhile in the fleet*

Valkyrie: sir I think you may of pissed her off.

Rain: should of drank her tea earlier.

Officer: they're aiming their guns at us.

Rain: perfect let the cruisers and destroyers know to begin operation white death.

*Back on the coast*

Solider: smaller ships are getting near the coast.

Yuuki: I don't care shoot at the huge ones!

Kirito: something doesn't feel right.

Sinon: the smaller ships are moving towards the big ships.

Yuuki: retreat?

The ships started circling the fleet and started making white smoke everywhere casting it across the entire coast.

Kirito: smoke screens!

Sinon: they're trying to hide their big vessels.

Yuuki: fire at it all find them!

Gunfire crashed into the coast taking out more guns slowly until hardly any stood.

Kirito: we can't hold of forever!

Yuuki: as long as Klein keeps firing at them will be fine.

A huge explosion erupted in the sky and then silence followed for a couple seconds, out of the clouds a huge air blimps crashed down to the ground on fire and damaged beyond repair.

Kirito: Klein!

Yuuki: wait something else is here.

Sinon stared at the sky and saw lots of shadowed figures fly across the clouds  and slowly come down towards the coast.


The huge beasts hit the tents and any remaining guns, the coast started looking like a part of hell with fire everywhere.

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