Chapter 5, The Aftermath

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*note at the bottom explaining why I haven't wrote in a while*

the first contact with the other alliance ended differently than expected, both sides took a huge hit from the fight and learnt more about the enemy.

Rain: How bad is it?

Harbour master: Nagato lost 2 of her guns, some secdonaries and the ship has taken on a huge portion of water.

Rain: She'll have to stay out of combat for a few months.

Harbour master: will try our best to repair it as soon as possible.

Rain: You have my thanks.

Karina: I'm sorry sir I failed you.

Rain: It wasn't you the enemy surprised us and it was your first mission.

Karina: What should my crew do?

Rain: I want you to still take part in missions to gain more experience, that's why I've divided your crew to go on different ships and learn key skills.

Karina: Where would you like me sir?

Rain: You'll assist Ken in commanding the Musashi.

Karina: Are you sure?

Rain: It was Ken's idea after all and, you'll more experience of a commanding a vessel.

Karina: I understand sir, thank you very much.

Rain walked off and started discussing things with other people while karina turned around and headed to Musashi's dock.

After a 3 minute walk she arrived in front of the huge ship and walked up the stairs towards the deck of the ship.

Officer: Stop right there.

Karina: Did i do something wrong?

Officer: Your boarding a different squadrons ship without reason and proof.

Karina: Well i thought you will be informed by now.

Ken: Don't worry she's with us now.

Officer: I'm so sorry captain, I didn't know we were getting new arrivals.

Ken: Don't worry I wasn't expecting everyone to get the information in such a short notice.

Karina walked past the officer and headed up to the bridge with ken.

Ken: How's Nagato doing?

Karina: Poorly, she's not ready for any fight until a couple of months.

Ken: Well I hope she'll get back soon.

Karina: Why did you ask rain to put me here?

Ken: At this moment in time its very important we all get some experience and learn.

Karina: I see, well thank you.

Ken: no problem now let me give you a tour of the ship.

Karina: sounds good.

*Edu's palace*

Asuna: she's completely fortified the coast, trying to get near it will be sucidal.

Rain: I can't bare to only defend the sea we need to attack somehow where the ships will have a safe distance to fire from and can still deal alot.

Leafa: it's hard to believe that your ships are safe anymore.

Rain: Nagato is less equipped then the Yamato class, she's made for speed and good guns.

Asuna: right and what do you suggest?

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