Yuuki Empress of Kyoto, ruler of Japan

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A peaceful wind bloomed over the vast gardens over Kyoto, farmers were checking the crops and watering them and the huge city stared out into the lands and seas.

Guards stood at their posts and watched the huge palace behind them, these guards were a special elite force as every other guard was given a day off.

The top floor of the palace had a huge balcony over looking the city, this was a balcony only for elite's or the empress herself. A girl with purple hair and red eyes stared towards the horzion and slowly drank her green tea while humming to herself, she raised her sword and checked for any dirt or damage and saw another pair of red eyes staring at her from behind.

Yuuki: So, you've made it back.

Mysterious man: Yes, just in time to celebrate i guess.

Yuuki: That means the mission was a success?

Mysterious man: All 150 troops of that small village are dead and no back up will be sent.

Yuuki: You really are good at your job, Deathgun.

Deathgun: Yes mainly in assassinations and wiping out groups.

Yuuki: Ah yes speaking of which, i have another job for you to do.

Deathgun: diffcult?

Yuuki: you may have to kill a couple or more guards.

Deathgun: whats the task?

Yuuki: I want you to get the emperor of Kobe to visit me.

Deathgun: The black samurai?

Yuuki: Thats the one.

Deathgun: Whats in it for me?

Yuuki: He knows the location of someone you may know, sinon.

Deathgun stared out through the balcony and flashed his eyes.

Deathgun: thats a prize i would like.

Yuuki: good you'll be heading out tomorrow.

Deathgun: Why not today?

Yuuki: Today is a day of relaxing and besides, i would like some company.

Deathgun: As you wish your majesty.

*Start of Flashback*

Yuuki stared at the dead emperor in front of him and took her sword out of him, she looked around the room. Servants and gaurds of the emperor stood in shock as Yuuki stared at them.

Yuuki: I am now the ruler of Kyoto, you will either follow me or die pick wisely.

Most people joined her and were told to forget what happen today, a few chose not to follow her and were killed by her guards.

Yuuki: No one will speak of what happened tonight instead, The emperor was assassinated by Asuna throne to Kyoto.

Everyone nodded in agreement and accepted the events that occured tonight.

Guard: What should we do with the emperor.

Yuuki: Will give him a royal burial, i want everyone to attend and tell everyone to keep an eye out on Asuna.

Guard: Everyone bowl to her majesty lady Yuuki, Empress of Kyoto and ruler of Japan.

Everyone bowled down to her and trated her as the new ruler.

*End of flashback*

An elite guard knocked on the balcony door and was let in by deathgun. 

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