Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV

I place my hands over Aaliyah's and instruct her on how to play the game.

"Sneak up behind them" I say, pushing her thumb over the joystick

I press on the triangle and watch as her character slices the person.

"Y'all playing Assassin's Creed? Move the fuck over" Bryson says, sitting next to me

"Ooh you said bad wud" Aaliyah says

"Bad wud?" He asks

"Don't tease her" I laugh, nudging his head

He takes the controller from her and she stomps her feet.

"Give it back" She whines

He leans in and taps her nose with a smirk.


She starts crying and I pull on his ear.

"Give her back the controller dumbass" Kehlani says from across the room

"Ahh damn I was just playing, I'm sorry Liyah" He groans

I let him go and she sticks her tongue out at him, he grabs her and twirls her around. She laughs and holds onto his neck.

"I'm hungry, let's get Chinese food" Miguel says

"I want food!" Aaliyah joins in

We get in my car and make our way to Queens, when we get to the restaurant we go in and place the orders. I notice two guys looking at us strange before walking out. I shrug my shoulders and finish ordering. It took about Ten minutes for everything to be ready.

I parked on the side and it was a pretty dark street, I got this negative vibe so we cautiously walk to the car. Just as I was about to unlock the car I see a black SUV drive slowly down the block in our direction. The Windows roll down and about four guys point guns out.

I drop the bags and move Aaliyah behind me, everything feels as if it's movin in slow motion as gun shots start ringing out. We quickly take cover and shoot at the car. The car continues driving and I come out and shoot two of the wheels, causing the car to swerve. I shoot at two of them before Miguel drags me away.




"Lauren Aaliyah is crying her damn eyes out, shut the fuck up and come get her" Kehlani says

I rub my forehead while walking over to her and checking to make sure nothing hit her. Not seeing anything, I let out a breath and pick her up. Thank you God.

I hear sirens in the distance and groan, we get in the car and I speed off heading to Justine's house. When I get there Aaliyah is still crying, I sigh and carry her in the house. Justine stands up from the couch with a pissed expression.

"Why the fuck is she crying so hard?" She yells

"It's nothing" I mumble

"Don't play that shit with me Lauren, there's a scrape on your arm" She says

I stick my hand in my pocket and look down while shrugging.

"Just-...she's fine, she's just scared" I say

"Let me guess, you got shot at?" She asks

I don't say anything and she sighs while taking Aaliyah from my arms.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow" She says

I groan and walk back out to the car, I lean my head against the headrest and close my eyes. I feel like shit.

I drive towards the trap and impatiently bounce my leg, I angrily get out the car and slam the door shut. We walk into the house and go straight to Luke's office.

He looks at us with a smile and I stop him before he can say anything.

"We got fucking shot at outside a damn restaurant!" I yell while pacing the floor

"Whoa whoa whoa! The fuck?" He yells while standing up

"Yup, shit almost caught my neck!" Bryson yells

"This whole situation with this past ass dude needs to be fixed ASAP!" I say

"I was with Aaliyah, Luke, my daughter has been ear shattering crying since it happened! You know how serious I get about her, whatever you got planned please speed it up" I plead

"Y'all some of the most hard working people in here, I ain't gon let shit happen" He says

"Take the next three days for yourselves, Ima handle whoever shot at y'all" He adds

We nod our heads and walk out, I drive back to my house so they can get they cars.

"I'm going to Normani's house" I say

"Kissy, kissy, kissy, been going a week strong" Miguel grins

Bryson makes a whip sound and Kehlani makes a heart.

"Go home" I laugh

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