Chapter Twenty-Two

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7 years later

"Look babe, that house would be perfect for all three of us," Lauren smiled. Camila couldn't contain her excitement, she was jumping all over the couch. Lauren was on the verge of falling off. "I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS LAUREN!"

The married couple were looking to move out of their initial apartment. "Did the agency call back?" Camila asked.

Lauren looked at her phone. "Not yet, but we'll get baby Phoebe, don't worry." The younger Latina kissed her wife and laid her head on her legs. Camila quickly lost the battle and succumbed to sleep. Lauren took out her computer, looked at her wife, and started typing away.

Love. What an aggressive feeling. It awakes the depths of our souls. It stems from all of our essences. Without love, the world would be such a boring place. My world was pretty boring until the age of 21, when a special person came into my life and changed everything for me.

My name is Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado, and this is the story of how I met my soulmate Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao.

Damn. It's over y'all. I want to take a moment to deeply thank ObsessedReaderXXVIII  and Peddie31  for their huge support since the beginning of this story. Thank you for reading. It's been a pleasure. Keep reading everyone. I love you all.

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