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"But why, mommy? I don't want to visit grandpa George. He's mean." Synopia whines, try to pull her mom's hand backward.

"I know honey but after we're going to go to the park and drop you off. It'll be alright. Soon everything will be fine." Synopia's mom scoops her up and plops her down in the booster seat.

"Grandpa will make you better, I promise. I promise." Then with a small sob she buckled her in.

"Mommy, why are you crying? Did phone guy make you cry? I'll take care of you and so will Alice." Her mom shook her head and said with tears sliding down her face, "I'm sorry Synopia truly sorry. With that she covered Synopia's mouth with a cloth makeing the child gag. A few seconds later she slumped against the seat, her body not strong enough to help fight off the effects. 

Her mom cries before closing the door.

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