Chap. 4

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🐾Asher's POV🐾   

I sit at the table and sigh, putting my head down on the cool wood. The stress seems to be catching up with me. I haven't been able to do anything other than sulk and whine since I felt her at the event last weekend.

I sigh again. I feel her, I know she's out there and I know she's feeling the same thing I am, but it's terrible. It's the worst kind of torture you could give a wolf.

The wolf is given the knowledge that their mate exists, but not being able to see her. Knowing she's so close, but not being able to hold her.  Being able to slightly feel her emotions and yet not being able to cheer her up or hold her when she cries. It's like looking at your loved ones through a glass wall, hearing them, seeing them, but not being a part of them. That is the worst torture to wolves. Not only wolfs but any living creature on this Earth.

Pure torture. Every. Single. Day.

And my moods are effecting everyone. I snap at people, I swear, I give out unnecessary punishment just to get people to try and feel my pain. Like a girl PMSing. Most people stay away from me but some people try to talk to me. Others, well, let's say things aren't so friendly.

"Asher, get your scrawny ass up and away from my kitchen. You've had your breakfast and now it's time you get up and GO." I growled quietly. And only quietly because I didn't want to get hit with a pan like the last time I growled at Mrs.Banekov. I had to get stitches and werewolves heal fast. And I'm a werewolf in case your that oblivious. 

I groaned and got up shouldering the pack and jacket that Mrs.Banekov handed to me.

She sighed. She always hated seeing me and the others unhappy.

"Ash? You said that she's close, so very close but you have no idea where she could be or how to start looking?" I look up at her. I've known Mrs.Banekov since I was a baby, I know when she's up to something. And this something is big. "Well, honey, considering it's April, and you said you just started feeling her she probably just moved here. Either her and her family are going to come here to meet the pack, or you'll see her at school. And if you don't have any classes with her you'll still scent her in the halls. Everything will be fine, don't worry."

I stare at Mrs.Banekov. Why hadn't I thought of that before. I've concluded that I'm an idiot. I've also concluded that I'm not skipping school today.

I smack my forhead. School is going to start in 5 minutes and it takes twenty to get to school.

I look at Mrs.Banekov with my best puppy dog eye, the ones that only Sam Winchester can do. And yes I'm a Supernatural fan, deal with it. *Pretends to snap*.

Back to reality...

Mrs.Banekov sighs and slowly nods. "I curse your father and that darn T.V show for teaching you those eyes. I'll call the school and give you a head start." I jump up, give her a kiss on the cheek and run out the door. I hope she's right about her being at school. If she's not right and doesn't come to see us for dinner soon I think I'll go mad.

I shake my head as I jump into my car, a silver aston martin db11. I know they aren't cars you generally see in America but who cares when your rich. Also it's my favorite type of car so....

Anyway, fifteen minutes later I arrive at school. (I almost got pulled over, but luckily the cop was pack.) I sigh in relief. I can feel her, she's so close.

Slowly I get out of the car and approach the school. With each step I feel her getting closer and closer. Still I couldn't smell her. Odd.... 

Usually with mates you can smell them, most people describe it as the most wonderful smell in the world. I can't smell her. Does that mean something wrong with me or her? What if she's hurt? What happens if I-

Calm down, me.  I whispered to myself. She'll be fine. I hope.

The bell rang and I groaned. Now I'll have to wait to find my mate.

3 periods later
(I don't know how long that is)

I smiled giddily to myself. It's lunch time so I can finally look for my mate. I felt her all day, but still, no matter how close she feels I can never smell her. Maybe there is something wrong with me.

Suddenly I heard a gasp and my nose was flooded with the most delicious scent ever. I couldn't identify it. It was warm and subtle and smelled distantly like-

As quickly as the scent struck it fleed. I mentally smacked myself for being so stupid and not following it. Quickly I ran foward to try and follow all the scent that lingered but for some reason it was fading fast and everytime I really focused on it, it faded even more.

As I rounded the corner I gasped. There, lying on the ground was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

'MATE!!' My wolf cried out. 'HELP HER SHE'S HURT' I scurried into action, surveying the scene as I picked her up, she was so light, and looked so innocent when she was asleep. I noticed a scent. Male. I growled. What was she doing with another person other than me, her Mate! I growled again.

'Calm down' My wolf, Jacob, warned me. 'You'll scare her. Just take her to the pack doctor and we can take care of the bastard later.'

Quietly I agreed with him and started jogging out of the school and towards the docs house.

Sorry it took so long to update, I kept getting distracted by some amazing books. If you guys want to read something good and kinda long, read My Twin Alpha Mates by @Book_lover54. K, love yall!😘

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