Chap. 6

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A/N This meme has nothing to do with the story it just made me laugh. Also this chapter will have a few cuss words in it. (It has about 3 or 4)

Also, guys I need you all to do me a favor and check out this book
Written by princessmoonrise

Read this amazing story, vote for it and comment!

On with the story!!

🐾Asher's POV🐾

She's screaming. Holy shit she's screaming. Why is she screaming? I calm myself down and let go of her arm, slowly backing away.

I take a deep breath and freeze. I can feel her eyes on me, her screams having stopped awhile ago. But at this point, even with her being my mate. I don't care. The only thing I can pay attention to is the fact that her scent is gone, her wonderful, warm scent. Gone.

Why didn't I notice before? I've been sitting in here for the past three hours by her side the whole time, why haven't I noticed her missing scent?

I shake my head. I'll get to that later.

I open my mouth and slowly ask what has been dying to be let out of my lips.
"What's your name?"

She blinks and slowly shakes her head. I can hear her take a deep breath and see her lean forward torwards me. So that confirms that she isn't human.

"Lisa." I snap out of my haze and look up. Her voice is heavenly, sounding as if it came from her stomach, deep yet high and airy.

I blink at her silently asking her what she meant.

She rolls her eyes slightly and says in the heavenly voice this time it's higher, and more confident.

"You asked for my name and I replied. My name is Lisa and that's all your getting from me. I answered your question now please release me from this," her nose crinkles cutely, "hell hole and let me go home. Reagan is probably worrying."

I hear my wolf growling and have to stop myself from doing the same thing.

I tilt my head. "Is Reagan a boy or a girl?" I ask in the most innocent voice possible yet I know she can see right through it.

"Reagan is a boy. Now if you don't mind handing me my clothes and leaving, I'd like to change."

I blink. Again. I was so busy trying hard not to track down the boy and kill him I didn't even notice that she had pulled out her IV's and swung her legs over the table and was already standing up.


"I'm not a dog." She says in a british accent. Why do women have to damn stubborn?

"I didn't say you were did I? Now sit, down. Why are women so stubborn?"

She gasped. "You rude old prune. Why do men have to be so stupid?"

What is she..... Oh. I said that out loud. Huh. That explains a lot. Anyway.

"I'm sorry I said that but please sit down."


"Look, please just sit down, you can put on the clothes, but just hear me out. Also can you tell me you name?"

She stiffened and then rolled her eyes.  Odd reaction.

"Okay, first off, you already know my name. Second off, I'm not getting dressed while your here, so either get out or I'm just gonna leave. Either way I get what I want." My mouth drops. Smart ass.

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