Chap. 9

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❄Lisa's POV❄

I groan and lean on Reagan while he helps me out of the car. He had just picked me up from the hospital and I got a nice long nap. But now we're home and I have to prepare for questions that they're going to bombard me with.

I hope Reagan holds them off, atleast long enough to where I can brush my teeth. Being unconscious is bad for your breath.

I chew my lip and look up at Reagan stopping him before we reach the door.

"Reagan, could you maybe hold of all the questions until after I sleep? I am still tired, even with the nap in the car." I ask softly, trying not to yawn.

Reagan nods understandingly.

"Sure but promise me as soon as you wake up, and I don't care what time it is, you go to the parlor and call us all down. 'Kay?" I nod quickly and ignore Reagans possesive tone. He's been like this for awhile, even though we aren't mates. I figured, actually hoped, that he accepted that I was human and just decided to be my proctector.

Not that we need it. I mean, whats he gonna do, make puppy dog eyes and beg for them to go away?

I try not to giggle. Sometimes Aria says the supidest things. Reagan looks at me then shakes his head. 

"Okay maybe you're tired than I thought. Come on, I'll tuck you in, I know that helps you relax." In truth it does a fact I'm not particularly proud of. But now, the thought of anyone else tucking me in other than Asher makes me nauseous. 

I shake my head at him and push him away. "I'll be okay. I just need a quick nap and I'll be ready for questioning. Wouldn't want to keep the Munsters waitng now would we?" With that I walked away.


Okay this was super short but I don't like writing like this. I just wanted to post aquick chapter and say sorry. Peace out guys.

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