Chap. 11

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A/N I'm just gonna tell you know, I'm religious, and if your not and anything I say in the story offends you in anyway, I'm sorry. Luv y'all and lets get on with it. (Sorry for shortness)

🐾Asher's POV 🐾

I sigh and unlock the door, dragging my feet as I make my way to the kitchen.

Mrs. Banekov glances at me once then looks down and sighs, setting down her knife and coming towards me. I growl softly. I'm spent but as the future Alpha I hate being pitied. But once I look at her I back down.

Mrs.Banekov has always been more of a mother figure to me than my own mother, and when she looks at you that way she expects to be told exactly what happened, with who, and when.

I shake my head at her softly, then head up to my room.

It will be all right. Jacob says. We'll get her back. Don't worry. Soon all will be fine and our mate will be sleeping content in our arms. For now we need to get ready for the meeting with the rogue pack that moved in town.

I nod to myself. I'm glad that I have Jacob, considering I am never able to remember anything.

Where are we meeting them? I ask as I slowly make my way around the room to grab a fresh towel and wash cloth.

It's not formal, don't worry. It's at the little café downtown near the park.

Well at least I get a little repreive. First I find my mate, but I'm then practically rejected. Thank God she didn't complete the act. If she did I would have probably died right there.

I sit down on my bed and start pulling off my shoes, taking my time, before lying back on the bed. Jacob sighs with annoyance.

Seriously Asher? Look, I'm as frustrated and tired and as sad as you are but stop moping around. We have business to take care of and the quicker it's done the quicker we get our mate.

I shake my head. Easy for you to say, I say as I sit up and make my way to the bathroom. I'm almost positive that her wolf didn't reject YOU.

He goes quiet, not even moving. Slowly he retreats to the back of my mind, but not before I hear him say, She doesn't have a wolf.

A/N You peeps are lucky I was gonna stop there.

Reagan's POV

I brush my hair back from my eyes, trying not to look on edge.

I wasn't very comfortable having to leave the house, even with the chaperones and the others there. I'm not really ready to leave her like that.

I know she can take care of herself but with everything that has been happening lately, especially since the hospital incident, I urge to protect her has grown.

I shake my head before leaving the house, walking out the door to my car. It's nothing fancy, considering I'm a kid in foster care, but it's pretty nice. I worked at a garage near the Home, but since we moved away I'm looking into jobs around here.

Now I can't work as many hours at a garage as I normally would. Especially with Lisa potentially finding her mate.

I scoff. I don't care who the mutt is, as long as he treats her right. I don't even care if I already know and like him.

I correct myself. Her. It could be a her. Considering it's Lisa, yeah, anythings possible with her.

Even, I muse as I pull into the space in front of the café, even her being the future Alpha's mate.

🐾Asher's POV🐾

The boy, the one she got into the car with, the one she walked with. He was the one we're meeting tonight.

I need to talk to him, prferably before the meeting. Hopefully he'll understand. Unless they're dating.

Though most wolf's save themselves for their mates, they will still date to, quote on quote, "get into the feeling of dating." Yeah it's weird but I agree. It's better to know how your supposed to treat them rather than just stumbling threw everything.

I shake my head to get it out of the clouds, than look up as he strolls into the bar. Smelling like MY mate.

This ends now.

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