Chap 8.

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At the end of every chapter can you guys comment to guess what Lissa is?
Also here is Reagan. Hotty.

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Regan's POV (I only put emojis for the 2 main)

I glanced at Lizzy as she sat curled up in the passenger seat. She probably knows I'm still mad at her. I mean, she disappeared for 2 days. She had all of us worried, even though some of the other guys don't really talk to her.

Still they worried. The first day we all went to school in hopes that she would be there. The second day we sent half the people she liked to school and kept everyone else at the split house to wait and see if she shows up there.

I was at home pacing when she called.
Lizzy was only gone for a day and a half, really, but if she hadn't called I probably would've went rampant.

I have never been happier in my life, hearing her voice. But she was crying. Now I need to figure out why. And learn why she was at a hospital. She doesn't look hurt just worn out, and truthfully? If I didn't know her better I would think she was prepping for a marathon.

But she's not. She's asleep now, curled up, her hair framing her face. She looks worn out. And sad. Ever so sad. Even though her tears dried up a few minutes ago you can still see the streaks, still smell the salt from them.

I sigh as we pull up to the apartment. The remainder of the day is not going to be fun. All the adults asking questions is going to wear her out enough but 8 other people are waiting in there to bomb her with questions and guilt trip her. Not fun.

Lizzy slowly lifts her head and yawns, sounding so much like a kitten I can't help but smile. Maybe it's a good thing that the Hospital was far away. Lizzy got a nice long nap.

I shake her awake. "Lizzy. Lizzy, it's time to wake up. We have to get home and everyone wants to see you."
I can practically hear her rolling her eyes even though she's still half asleep.

She grumbles. "Leave me alone. I wanna sleep away everything."

I glance around. No one's outside or near the windows which means they're giving us privacy. Not that they don't know we're here, considering 7 out of 10 of them are not human.

I sigh and shake Izzy again before starting a pre-round of questioning.

"Lizzy, what we you doing that made you go missing for 2 days and end up in a hospital? Seriously, you've gotten into some weird situations but nothing like this." She snorts, probably remembering the time she got stuck in a wolf den. Luckily I am what I am and managed to convince the pack to let her go.

I laugh and shake my head while ruffling her hair. She swats at me like a sleepy kitten.

Shaking my head again I continue. "Really Lizzy, we need to know. The chaperones were freaking out and so was the rest of us. Especially me." I pout, trying to guilt trip her and knowing she can hear my pitifulness in my voice.

Sure enough she looks up as I look down like a dejected puppy. Of course I get what I want. She has never been able to stand up to that face no matter how many times I do it.

She sighs. "I didn't do anythjng this time. I was walking back to lunch after my meeting with Mr. Perverted, when someone grabbed me and started yelling at me. He slammed my head against the locker and I blacked out after a bit more questioning. Then I woke up in a hospital with a strange boy beside me. We talked for a bit, he acted strangely, and that's that. I kicked him put of the room and called you. His sad puppy face is almost as bad as yours."

I shake my head. I know she's telling me the modified version of her tale. The human version. I'm not human. She's not human. It pretty easy to tell by the way she moves, even if you can't smell it on her. That's what confused me at first. I was used to being able to smell everything, and in my first years in the foster home I couldn't get used to all the smells of the different supenaturals around me. Odd, even though some animals have a better sense of family then humans do, for instance alligators, a lot of us shifters are in a home.

When I arrived and was unable to smell her I was so confused.

It still confuses me sometimes.

I wish she would just tell me. I'm her best friend. Though I guess since I haven't told her it's only fair.

So I don't push it and climb out of the car, then go to the other side to help her out of it and into the apartment where a group of people are waiting to jump her.


Is it good?
I think so. It gave you a bit more info on Lissa and info on Regan, so it's a win-win.

Sorry for not updating sooner. But I kept my promise! I updated less than a day later.
Luv y'all, see you soon!!

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