Chap. 3

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❄Lisa's POV❄



"Who built this place? They need a thousand dollar tip."

"Does it even count as an apartment?"
With everyone yelling all those opinions I quietly voiced mine.

"It feels like home."

Everyone shuts up and stares at me. Damn my big ass mouth. And my cussing problem. I need help.

Finally Cody spoke up, "Lee, what the hell does that mean, 'it feels like home'." I flush, while getting slightly annoyed. Can't a girl say what she feels and have no one question he her?

"It means, Cody, that I think I'm going to like it here." With that I shoulder past Cody and the others and unlock the door. (A/N I forgot to mention Miss gave them each keys.)

Immediatly after stepping in I sigh in pleasure. This place is amazing. Like the woods but somehow better, even more homey.


"Nah, nah, a-boo boo! You can't catch me!" A three year old Synopia calls out as her father lumbers after her.

"You can run but you can't hide. I can smell you and hear your heartbeat. Remember how I always win hide and seek?" Synopia's dad call's after her slowly heading down the hallway.

Synopia giggled. She didn't try to run, she didn't try to hide. She just stood there in the hall, looking at her dad and smiling a smile only toddlers can pull of.

In three seconds flat her dad was in front of her. Synopia's smile broadened while her father frowned.. She doesn't usually act this way. Her dad was just about to tickle her when she called out;

Synopia smiled at her dad knowing she won the game. Even at three she was exceptionally smart.

Her father's eyes widened and he quickly set her down on the floor just as his wife walked into the hall. 'Run', his wolf whispered.

And he did. All the while the laughter of a three year-old chased him down the halls.

*End flashback*

A/N: Okay I know that sounded creepy but it had a purpose. Hey, now I can write horror stories!;-)

🐾Asher's POV🐾

"Asher, dude, it's Saturday afternoon! We've been here for a day and a half and you haven't even tried to find your mate. You didn't even come to supper last night. And it was barbecue!"

I ignored him. Naturally. He doesnt notice though. All he does is babble on and on about how many good lays are here and wondering if he could score Scott Breafman, a hot alpha (according to him) of one of our allied packs.

I forgot to mention it but Mark is gay, if you haven't figured it out already. Super, to the point of wearing a bikini, gay.


"Dude are you listening to me? Are you going to the long jump? Hello? Ash, damnit answer me or I'll tell Mrs. Banekov!" Mark yells out, right in my ear. I'm starting to get annoyed with this.

"Mark, I am your Alpha, and I will do as I please." I snap a bit harshly. "I do  not have to answer to you." As soon as the words leave my mouth I sigh, rubbing my temples.

"Mark, if anyone asks about me tell them I'm resting and will speak with them tomorrow." And because I'm feeling so damn desperate to get away from all the female's lustful stares I add, "Please, Mark? As a friend not as my Beta?"

Mark nods and I walk away with a sigh. I can feel my mate. She's close, but she's not here.

Okay so the reason I chose the name Mark is beacause almost every book I read with a gay guy named him Mark.  So, here is a picture of the hottie.

  So, here is a picture of the hottie

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