Goodbye New Orleans Welcome World

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Chapter 1

Goodbye New Orleans Welcome World

It had been a few days that Davina left New Orleans behind. Although she couldn't wait to leave, there was a hint of sadness. New Orleans was the only place she ever knew. All the people she loved were from that city. She was in such a rush to get away from the place that caused her so much heartache and literally killed her twice over.

She managed to say goodbye to Josh. He was the only guy apart from Kol that she ever said I love you to. Her only regret was not seeing Marcel. At this point, he doesn't even know she is alive. She promised herself that when they made their first stop she would reach out to him.

Kol promised to take Davina everywhere and she couldn't wait to explore the world with him. For some reason, she wanted to visit Denver. So, they decided to head there first. The trip would take them close to 20 hours. They both agree to take a stop in Texas to break up the drive. Kol suggested Dallas. He loved the city and it had a large werewolf population. There was one werewolf in particular, who was a close friend of his in the 19th century that he hoped would still be in the city.

The couple talks for hours until mid-way through the trip Davina falls asleep. Kol turns on the radio to break the silence along the barren stretch of highway. He looks over at her sleeping soundly.

He smiles to himself. Never did Kol think that he would be free to be with the girl he loved. Between his family drama with Klaus and his other siblings, plus the Hollow, Michael, Esther, Lucien, Marcel as the beast and the vengeful ancestors, they were finally free of that awful city.

A beeping noise emanates from the car and Kol realizes that they are low on gas. He veers to the right lane to exit the highway. He drives a few miles and finds a small gas station with vintage style gas pumps.

Davina slowly starts to stir and open her eyes as Kol turns into the gas station.

"Kol where are we?" she asks.

"Well rise and shine darling" he responds "we're almost out of gas."

Davina sits up and rubs her eyes. "Sorry I fell asleep on you" she says.

"No need to apologize love, you have had a rough few months. Just being with you makes me so happy" he replies. Kol turns off the ignition to the car.

This place doesn't look like much. The gas station is literally sitting in the middle of nowhere. All there is, are trees, old broken down machinery and the road they just turned off from.

"You want anything from inside?" Kol asks.

"Sure, can you get me some chips and a coke?" Davina replies.

"You got it" he responds. "I will be right back."

"Actually" Davina yells, "I'm coming. I've gotta use the bathroom."

"Alright hurry up darling" Kol urges her as he walks away from the car.

Davina hastens her steps to catch up to him. As they approach the store, they notice it is empty. When inside, Davina proceeds to the back toward the restroom. As she turns the door knob, a man in his early 40s rushes out.

"Sorry to keep y'all waiting," he says with a noticeable southern drawl.

"We don't get a lot of customers these days, especially this late" he explains.

"Why?" Kol asks.

The attendant informs him that there have been weird things happening at night and that a few locals have gone missing. He even goes on to add that people are claiming that the missing people are being taken by wolves.

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