Dancing with Wolves in Dallas

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Chapter 2

Dancing with Wolves in Dallas

The drive time seems to fly by and the couple gets to Dallas 15 minutes earlier than expected. Kol was speeding the majority of the ride there. They were pulled over by the cops but he compelled them to avoid a ticket. It is still early in the morning when they arrive.

They get a hotel in the city center. This hotel is bustling with people. After checking in, Davina tells Kol she is going across the street to check out some boutique stores.

Upon entering a store called Ashley's Vintage Retreat, Davina finds a few dresses that she likes. Two of them are casual summer style dresses and the other is a sexy black dress. They are a bit pricey but she decides on purchasing them.

After buying them, she takes a seat on one of the outside benches to call the man that has been like a father to her ever since he saved her from being a sacrifice at the Harvest ritual. She calls his phone number and it goes straight to voicemail. She hesitates on leaving a message and decides that she will wait till he picks up her call. She wanted to surprise him and talk on video chat so that she could read every reaction.

Of course Marcel would be happy to see that she was alive and well but she would also have to explain that she was with Kol and planned on being with him forever. The word forever was one she repeated to herself in her mind.

Davina wanted her "always and forever" with Kol. Ever since they were a coven of two, she knew there was something special between them and relished the feelings she had for him when they practiced magic together.

Kol would live forever and her time with him was limited. She would age and he would remain the young handsome devil that she met those few years before. Being with Kol Mikaleson also brought her chances of being hurt or worse much higher. Vampirism was something Davina could not imagine for herself. Perhaps, a spell like what Freya uses to extend her life was a possibility in the future.

As Davina day dreams about her past, present and future, a small dog sniffing her leg breaks her thoughts. The owner of the dog, an older woman with a mixture of black and gray hair greets her.

"Lovely day today, it has been so overcast for the past few days, we need the sunshine."

"It is quite nice" Davina responds.

"You bought some stuff from the vintage store I see, my granddaughter loves that store"

"I bought a couple of dresses that look really nice but they were pretty expensive" Davina replies.

"It is one of those stores that you have to watch for the deals honey, I think my granddaughter said the next one is on Saturday."

Davina smiles knowing she will not be here for the next sale.

"You have a very adorable dog" she tells the lady.

"Thank you, my husband died a few years ago and I really needed a companion. My children are all grown up with lives of their own and the house can get a bit lonely being all by myself. His name is Pete and he has a lot of energy. I bring him out here to walk to tire him out otherwise he will chew up my stuff."

Davina chuckled at the thought because the dog looked so innocent.

"Well it was nice chatting with you, we have to get going," the older lady tells Davina.

Davina's chaotic life had never allowed for pets. There was always some strife within the quarter and before that, she had to focus her energy on learning magic.

Goodbye New Orleans Welcome WorldМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя