A Bind to Unspell

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Meanwhile in an undisclosed location Davina.....

With her eyes covered, and her hands and feet bound, Davina is fretting. Her captors did not cover her mouth, so she figures that she was probably in a remote place.

After she was taken by Ashton and his pack, they had brought her to an abandoned lot. The lot had seemed as though it would be her final destination.

For some reason, they quickly moved her to a new location. She had no idea where she was. From the way her voice carried when she screamed, she knew that she was in a very large open area. The floor she sat on was cold and though she could not see anything, there was a sense that the room was sterile.

Her captors had left her alone in this room for what felt like hours. The bindings on her wrists were tightly bound. A female witch working with Ashton's group, had put a bracelet around her arm and spelled it to keep her from being able to use magic.

Davina knew deep down that Kol would be doing everything he could to find her. In the meantime, she had to do all in her power, to get away from her kidnappers. The only solace that she could find was that there must be some reason why they took her and are keeping her alive.

With the hope of bumping into something, she scoots along the floor. She moves for what feels like many feet without bumping into anything. It was becoming a futile task. She decides to try her luck at rolling to cover more ground. Davina lays down and with all her might twists her core and let's go. She puts her arms up to protect her head. With a couple of rolls, she hits a beam. The pain from hitting the beam sends shockwaves through her body but it quickly dissipates because of her adrenalin.

She tries to use the support of the beam to help her stand up until she hears footsteps approach.

"Well you've been moving around" says Ashton.

He removes the blindfold. Davina does a quick scan of the room that she is being held captive in. She was right it was large and sterile. The room looked like some type of old factory. Though now, it was mostly free of machinery.

"Whatever was being made here stopped a long time ago" she thought to herself.

"What do you want with me?" she asks bluntly.

"The removal of a malignant force from our city" Ashton responds.

Davina laughs. "How exactly do you plan on doing that with kidnapping me?"

"We want you and your original boyfriend to kill the leaders of the other packs."

With a puzzled look of confusion, she looks around the room at her other captors that are seemingly in agreement with Ashton's purpose.

"Why?" she asks.

"For the past few years, there has been one ruling werewolf pack that has stifled the rest of us. They have maimed and killed any that would challenge their rule. My pack and the Crimsons want to bring the wolves back to what they once were. The alphas of the other packs have sold us out. All to be ruled under one enhanced werewolf because of their cowardice."

"So you want my help in killing other alphas so that you can rule them instead?" Davina cynically responds.

The female witch who had spelled Davina steps up and stands beside Ashton. "My name is Nahla and my family has been here for generations. We don't want to hurt you but we need your help. You are a powerful witch and you of all people should know what it is like to be subjected to doing the bidding of others. In New Orleans, you were forced to aid vampires. Here, we witches are at the mercy of werewolves. The one running things here, Deron, is much like Klaus."

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