All Things Must End

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Rodney and Kol walk out of the club into the parking lot. The original looks at his phone to see if there are any new messages from Davina. No new messages but he keeps the phone close just in case. Marcel rides over with Rebekah on the back of his motorcycle and motions Kol to put his window down.

"Has Davina contacted you on a location?" says Marcel.

"Not yet," he replies with his eyes laser focused on the phone.

"What do you want to do when we get her?" says Rebekah.

"I was thinking of going back to the hotel to regroup" her brother responds.

"Thought you told her it wasn't safe to go there" replies Rebekah with a questioning head tilt.

"I didn't want her going there alone. Deron thinks he is the king of this city. He won't make a move on us there. There are too many people and he wants to keep a favorable image amongst his followers. Outside of it, we will be fair game" says Kol.

"Kol, I think we should go after his compound" adds Rebekah.

"She's right. Let's end this" says Marcel.

The phone rings and Kol sees it is Davina. He tells Rebekah and Marcel to be quiet and he picks up the call.

"Hello love, please tell me you are far from that compound" says Kol.

"Yes, we left. I have an address for you" replies Davina.

Kol hears her in the background asking Eric for their address. She repeats it to Kol, who has the phone on speaker for everyone to hear. Rebekah puts the location on google maps.

"We'll see you there" says Marcel as he and Rebekah put on their helmets and ride off. Kol floors it behind them. Brandon and all the other wolves follow in their vehicles. The group form a small motorcade and begin the long journey to Deron's house.

"We have to get to them before Deron finds them. Eric is the only family member left to inherit my pack when I'm gone" says Rodney who is rubbing his fingers against his forehead quite roughly pushing his eyebrows together.

"We'll get there" Kol responds.

"Damn it. I lost Charles to all this already. I can't lose Eric" says Rodney as he slams the dashboard. Kol looks over at his angry friend for a moment and turns back to face the wheel.

"Calm down Rodney, you're making me nervous now" says Kol.

"You don't know how ruthless he can be. He will kill all three of them just out of spite" spits Rodney.

In an eerily calm tone, Kol begins talking to Rodney with his eyes glued to the road and his knuckles bright white from clenching the steering wheel.

"I am a bloody Mikaelson! We invented spite and revenge. If he touches a hair on Davina's head. I promise you Rodney that I will lay waste to this city. I will burn it to the fucking ground and you know it" yells Kol.

A vibrating sound comes from the cup holder on the inside of the door. Rodney picks it up. He tells Kol that it's Eric. He Davina and Nahla had to ditch the car because Deron's guys attacked them.

"Are they? Where are they?" says Kol impatiently.

"Waiting on him to tell me" says Rodney.

"Damn it. Tell him to hurry up" replies Kol.

Rodney bids Eric goodbye and tells Kol that he thinks he knows where they are. The original picks up his phone and calls Rebekah who is way ahead of them.

"Rebekah, they moved. Their vehicle was attacked. They are in an abandoned house about two blocks away. Just go to where we were first going" Kol tells his sister and hangs up.

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