Visit from the Psychotic Maniac

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Visit from the Psychotic Maniac

Kol and the werewolf take a large SUV from the pub parking lot, leaving Rodney and Eric to go to the Farzan house to find Ashton. When they arrive, there are many vehicles at the compound. The younger werewolf bangs on the door and a female wolf appears. Kol walks up and pushes his new found partner out of the way.

"Where is Ashton?" he yells.

Hesitantly she responds. "I don't know where he is."

"No one knows a bloody thing, I think I will just burn this place to the ground" yells Kol.

"You do that and Ashton will hunt you down. He won't take too kindly to you destroying his home" she smugly responds.

Kol turns to the wolf who accompanied him to the compound and does a smile showing his fangs. He goes back to facing the female in front of him and puts an arm on the door post. "Do you know who I am darling?" Kol asks.

"No, I don't, I am just visiting the place who the hell are you?" she says rolling her eyes.

"Kol Mikaelson" he says with a smirk.

The female werewolf shudders and loses her balance. She never thought in her lifetime that she would meet an original. Much less, Kol Mikaelson. She had heard the stories about him and feared him like so many others.

Kol pushes her out of the way and proceeds inside the compound. Werewolves and vampires loyal to the Farzans attack him. He easily breaks the necks of the vampires that run toward him. Kol bites into the necks of three others, ripping pieces of their flesh and spitting it to the ground, killing them instantly.

The young werewolf that drove him to the Farzan compound stands a few steps behind and watches Kol dismember the limbs of some other werewolves. As the original moves through the room, he becomes more vicious. Werewolves scream as he jabs his hands into their bodies and rip out their hearts.

Kol continues his rage and breaks the leg off a large wooden table. He indiscriminately stabs both werewolves and vampires through their hearts. The floors of the compound become painted with blood. When he stops, there are dozens of dead werewolves and vampires on the floor. With his hands, light colored shirt, and the lower half of his face covered in blood, he yells at the top of his lungs. "Where is Ashton?!"

Wolves on the upper level start to run screaming. In seconds, he is up the stairs. His blank stare so penetrating, it makes them tremble.

"Your pack leader stole the love of my life and I want to know where he has taken her right the hell now!" He grabs one of the female werewolves and bites into her neck. She screams and he tosses her over the balcony. There is a loud thud and she lands splayed face down on the concrete floor below. The young werewolf below continues to watch in awe as Kol rages at the five person group on the second floor.

With his palms and back planted against a wall, a young wolf says in a shaky voice, "we haven't seen Ashton all night."

"No need for me to keep you lot alive then" Kol responds. He raises his hand with the broken table leg and is about to plunge it into their hearts. He pauses after feeling a burning in his arm. Someone is spelling him. He realizes quickly that it is a message. The message is an address from Davina. He then feels excruciating pain. The pain makes him drop the table leg and he starts to see a vision of Davina with two others in the middle of some woods. This vision lasts only a few seconds.

When the pain subsides, the original makes eye contact with the members in the terrified group. "It's your lucky day" he says to the wolves that he was about to slaughter and quickly vanishes from in front of them. He and his new werewolf partner leave for the car parked outside of the compound.

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