A Meeting of Titans

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Rodney receives a text message from one of Deron's men that the Tap meeting will be at 11:30 p.m. 

"Well, it looks like we have a couple of hours to kill. How about those who aren't family skedaddle for a while and give me some time with my brother?" Says Rebekah to the crowd in the hotel suite.

As everyone is leaving the room, Marcel tells them to come back in two hours. The room of people clears quickly. Left behind, is Rodney who starts picking up some items to head out, only to be stopped by Kol.

Kol places a hand on his shoulder. "You can stay Rodney."

"It's okay Kol. Eric and I have a few things that we have to do. I'll be back" replies Rodney as he motions for Eric to come along.

"D you wanna grab some food. They say the burgers downstairs are pretty good" says Marcel.

"Yeah. I could eat" she responds.

She bids Kol and Rebekah goodbye and leaves with Marcel.

Kol walks out to the balcony and Rebekah follows him.

"Brother, you've been quite testy how are you doing?"

"I am doing good never been happier" he responds with his jaws clenched.

She stares at her brother who won't look directly back at her.

"Kol, you can't be mad at everyone forever," says Rebekah.

"That's not your decision to make Rebekah. I have always been a disposable member of this family. You know that" he says and turns briefly to look at his sister.

"Kol you are a Mikaelson. Yeah, we have all had our quarrels but we are all family" she snaps at him.

"Other than you, to hell with the others. I barely made it out of New Orleans because of Klaus and his need for revenge. There has never been the urgency by our brothers to save me or respect my happiness" says Kol.

"Kol. You know Klaus has a difficult time expressing himself" she replies.

"Enough Rebekah. Let's focus on today" he says and walks away from her and heads back into the living area.

She takes a deep breath and follows him to continue their conversation. "I am happy you got Davina back Kol."

With her arms crossed, she leans against a wall and watches as Kol pours himself a drink.

"I know you care for her deeply. I remember how broken you were when she died" she adds.

"I really love her Rebekah. I have been alive for over a thousand years and never have I loved someone as I do her. I just have this need to do right by her. She is someone I can always count on and trust. That's more than I can say about our so-called family. I am going to ask her to marry me when this is all done" he says as he puts his empty glass on the counter.

Rebekah's eyes widen and she parts her lips but can't find words to respond to her brother. She slowly takes a seat on a chair.

Kol walks closer to his sister whose cheeks are now dampened by tears.

"Rebekah what's wrong?" says Kol.

She lifts up her head slowly. "I am just so happy for you Kol. I knew you loved her and you know how I am a sucker for true love. Plus I am getting a new sister. It's hard to believe that out of everyone it's you and me that have finally gotten what we want" she wipes away her tears and smiles.

Kol hugs his baby sister.


The sounds of silverware clattering and people talking in the restaurant is heartening.

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