The Longest Mile

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The Longest Mile

Kol and his accomplice begin the long drive over to find Davina. It is quite late at night and the duo are able to cover more ground because of fewer cars on the road. Kol is speeding and the werewolf is giving directions.

"This road goes for many miles. How will we know where to find Davina and the others?" the werewolf asks. Kol tells him that in the vision Davina sent, he saw what looked to be an abandoned factory. In his mind, he knew this was the marker that they had to follow.

If they started there, they could track down Davina. While driving down the remote road, they hear a gunshot. The werewolf looks at Kol nervously. He can't imagine what the original would do if that shot was fired at Davina. The werewolves in the Farzan house were innocent of kidnapping his girlfriend but he slaughtered them anyway because of their affiliation to Ashton.

They drive up to the factory. It looks rundown and littered with bullet holes. Kol puts the car in park but leaves the engine on. He gets out and starts to yell Davina's name. There is no response. He turns back and looks directly into the wolf's eyes.

"Stay inside the car and keep watch. I am going into the building, yell if you see anything."

"My name is Brandon by the way. Thought you might like to know it since I am helping you" the werewolf responds.

"Ok. Brandon. Like I said, stay in the truck."

Brandon watches as Kol vanishes into the dark. With his heightened senses, he knows there are many enemy wolves in the area. He keeps the lights on just in case Davina and the two others with her make their way in his direction.


Kol walks into the building. Greeting him at the door were the bodies of two dead werewolves. He casually steps over them and walks through the building slowly. There was a strong smell of fresh blood emanating from the facility. Kol remains steadfast in his search to find Davina. He walks further in the large space and spots many more dead wolves and a few vampires. Again, he yells Davina's name. She doesn't respond but he is certain that she was held there. He could still smell her scent inside the bloodied room.

As he searches for clues of Davina's whereabouts in the building, he pauses when he hears labored breathing. It takes him a mere second to find where the noise is coming from.

In a corner of the room, lay a werewolf whose body is stuck underneath a dead vampire. Kol throws the body off the wolf and asks him for Davina. The dying wolf points to the back of the room. He leaves the wolf and races to the back and finds a door. The door leads outside to a forested area.

Kol walks outside slowly through the woods looking for clues to find Davina. He hears a twig snap and turns to see two pairs of glowing eyes looking at him behind the trees. Two werewolves approach him snarling. One of the two run toward him and Kol grabs a broken tree branch from the ground and ploughs it into the chest of the wolf. The other wolf lets out a growl and circles Kol with claws drawn.

"Come on you sniveling dog" Kol mocks.

The werewolf charges him and Kol quickly steps out of his path. He faces the werewolf and stares into his eyes.

"You with the Farzans?" he asks.

"Hell no. I kill Farzans" the wolf responds.

Kol looks at the wolf with confusion.

"Have you seen a woman with dark hair?" She is small in stature and is wearing a black dress" Kol asks.

"She is with a wolf and another witch. I plan on killing all three" he responds with a smile.

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