Chapter 9- A Pick Me Up From Home

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After the meeting, the group scatters to prepare for the upcoming showdown. Nahla and Jake head out to pick up items for spells they will need. Rodney leaves to make contact with Deron to set up a meeting. Brandon bids everyone goodbye to reach out to his pack for help on their mission.

Feeling as though he was intruding on Kol and Davina, Eric tells them he is going to the lobby bar for a bit. The couple is finally alone.

"Kol," says Davina.

"Yes, love" he responds.

With a solemn look, she asks, "do you think that this is going to work?"

"It will love. We have faced worse wouldn't you say?" he says hoping to reassure her.

"I guess I worry because you know better than me how nothing ever goes as planned. We need a plan B, C and D." she says.

"Don't worry love, we will iron out everything when everyone gets back."

Her phone starts ringing from the bedroom. She breaks her conversation with Kol to retrieve it.

"It's Marcel!" she yells with excitement from the bedroom.

Kol runs his fingers across his chin and gets up from the sofa. "Take it love, I am going to check on Rodney." With that, he vanishes through the front door.

She answers the phone and doesn't say anything.

"Hello," says Marcel.

"Marcel" responds Davina.

"Davina is that really you?" he asks.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she responds, "Yes it's me, flesh and blood."

She sends Marcel a video chat request and he accepts. Marcel sees her and begins to cry. The girl he loved so much and took in as a daughter was alive and well. He had done so much to get her back and failed. The rage from losing her almost totally consumed him. Determined to avenge her death, he had taken serum and became a beast to go after the Mikaelsons'. He had become someone other than the father figure she had come to love. His anger even crept toward Rebecca, a woman he had loved for centuries.

"How are you alive?" Marcel asks his daughter.

Davina tells him how she was linked to the hollow and how Kol betrayed everyone to save her.

"I wanted to see you. I am sorry that it took so long to contact you" she responds.

"Where are you now Davina?"

"I am with Kol in Dallas. We are finally together and happy" she says.

"So you have been with Kol all this time?" he inquires.

"Yes, please don't be mad Marcel. I know you don't like him and think I deserve better."

"Davina wait, you're right. Kol was never my favorite person but in the past few months, I have come to realize how much he loves you. And you telling me that you're the reason he betrayed the Mikalesons' when we were fighting the hollow proves it even more. Family is the utmost important thing to them. I do think he has become better because of you" he says.

Davina feels tears welling up in her eyes and does a little smile.

Rebekah comes into view and waves. She hands Marcel a drink and takes a seat beside him.

"Happy to see you're back Davina and all in one piece. Kol was a mess without you" she says.

Davina's cheeks become a rosy pink.

"Oh yeah, just in case you didn't notice, Klaus has finally allowed me to be with the love of my life in peace," says Marcel.

"He had his fun for a while but he couldn't get enough of his favorite Mikaelson," says Rebekah while giving him an elbow to his side.

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