Chapter nineteen

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David walked over to the door with Liza behind him.

"Hello?" David asked the police officer at his door.

"Mr. Dobrik?" He said.


"You have your girlfriend staying with you, correct?"

"Yeah, she's right here." David grabbed Liza's hand and brought her next to him.

"We are going to escort you to a safer location."

"What do you mean?" Liza asked.

"The people who ruined your apartment are still not found, ma'am."

"So we have to leave?" David asked.

"Yes, immediately."

"What are you talking about?!" Liza asked.

"They may have your location. It is not safe for either of you."

Liza and David nodded, then packed a few of their things. Once they got into their car, the police escorted them to a nearby hotel. They showed them their room and had surveillance outside of their room.

"What is happening?!" Liza asked David.

"I have no idea," he said. "But this is safe. If they found my house, we would both be in danger."

"Why is this happening?" Liza cried.

David wrapped his arms around her. "I don't know. I'm so sorry."


Everyone was asking to see them, but they didn't know if they could. Instead, Liza and David stayed at the hotel without anyone else.

"Can we go anywhere?" David asked as he called the police station.

"Not until we have found the people that did this."

"We don't know how long that will take! We can't stay here forever!"

"I'm sorry sir, but it's for your safety. We received a letter this morning about both of you. We had no choice but to put you somewhere else."

"What do you mean?"

"The letter was hard to read, but it was a threat to both you and Ms. Koshy."

"Holy shit."

"Stay safe and call us if anything else happens."

"Thank you." David hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" Liza asked.

"He told us they received a letter that was a threat to us."

"Are you serious?!"


"What are we supposed to do?"

"Just stay here and stay safe."


A few days later, David received surveillance footage of his house. The police officer that had been patrolling the area gave him the footage that morning. You couldn't see much, but it was a group of people that were in his backyard.

First, they climbed over his fence, then onto his front porch. They checked to see if the door was unlocked, then they dispersed. There were at least 10 of them, and they each tried to find a way into the house. Eventually, someone broke a window, setting off an alarm that had been installed at the beginning of the whole investigation. They panicked, then ran off.

"How did you get this?" Liza asked David as they watched it on their tv.

"They handed me a copy of it this morning," he said.

"This is crazy."

"Hopefully this means that this will all be over soon."



A few hours went by before the police officer that was in charge of the investigation knocked on their hotel door.

David answered. There were a couple other officers there that he didn't recognize.

"Hello, Mr. Dobrik," the officer said.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"We have identified someone from the surveillance footage."

"That's great!"

"However, they aren't talking."

"What do you mean?"

"We have him at the station, but he isn't naming anyone else."

"Shit. What do we do?"

"We are still working on it, but for now just stay here and stay safe."

"Thank you," David said.


After David explained everything to Liza, they fell asleep. Liza woke up in the middle of the night to a crash in the hallway.

"David," she whispered as she nudged him.

"What?" He said.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" He asked as he sat up.

"Someone is outside our door."

"Shit," David said. "I'll go see. Stay here."

David slowly approached the door. Outside, he saw black. Nothing could be seen. The person had put something over the peep whole.

"Liza!" David said. "Go hide in the bathroom."

"What's going-"


Liza ran into the bathroom. David grabbed his phone, and ran into the bathroom with her. David dialed the police station and told them to come to their room.

Liza sat with David on the shower floor in silence. They could hear the noises from outside the door. Someone was trying to get into their room.

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