Chapter One

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Quincy Jones

The hot water and fresh steam felt like the perfect atmosphere for this moment. The lust filled the air as our rubbed against each other. I could tell my slow strokes had her wanting more.

"Damn Q" she moaned in my ear. Her legs squeezed my hips tighter and her nails dug into my skin.

I grabbed her butt cheeks and held her up against the glass shower. I sucked on her neck and she wrapped her legs around my waists. "Im bout' to cum." she moaned.

I could feel the moment getting more intense. Her legs squeezed me tighter and her nails dug deeper. I sped up as I felt myself getting closer to nut. "Come on baby." she said.

Before I knew it, we both came together. She unwrapped her legs and stood straight up. She kissed me on the lips and exited the shower. I turned off the water and got out behind her.

"Damn, Kay what was that?" I asked, feeling used. I grabbed a towel off the rack and dryed myself off some then wrapped it around my waist.

"What was what?" she asked. She knew what I was talking about, but she was trying to play like she wasn't. Even though it made me angry sometimes, it made me more attracted to her.

Me and Kayanna had been messing around for about a year and half since Lelani had been missing. I knew it was wrong to be fucking someone my wife had hired, but I couldnt get over not having a woman around to please me.

I walked into the bedroom and picked up my Polo boxers off the bed and put them on, them I put on a pair of sweat pants. "Got anything planned for the day?" Kayanna asked as she entered the room fully naked and still wet.

"Not at the moment, but im sure something will come up." I said. "Something always does."

"I was hoping that you would come on this business trip with me." she said then she put her hand on my shoulder.

" many times do I have to tell you im not in the game no more? You know my biggest job right now." I asked her. Once I got to a good point in finding Lelani and Bria, I gave up the game. It had been two years and I still hadnt found them yet. Even though the money was good, I still was sitting on a good ten million. Kayanna was getting on my nerves asking me to do work with her after she knew I was no longer in the game.

"Ugh. When are you going to get it in your head that Lelani is dead. Bria is dead. Theyre both dead Quincy." she and threw her hands up.

I stood there frozen. I didnt know if I should have chocked the shit out of her or just ignored the ignorant comment. I grabbed by her neck with one hand and held it tightly. I pushed the little body to the wall and pinned her to it with my hand still around her neck.

"Quincy..." she squealed.

"Dont you ever disrespect me or my family ever again. Your just here for the pleasure. When I find Lelani, which I will, you will be done bitch." I said.

She grabbed my hand and tried to push it away, but I was too strong for her. When I heard some little footsteps coming towards the bedroom, I pushed Kayanna in the bathroom and closed the door.

"Daddy!" Alani said as she ran towards me. I scopped her into my arms and hugged her tightly.

"You hungry?" I asked her.

"Dadaddada" She babbled.

"Good, me too." I said. I didnt know what she said because she was having speech problems and didnt have a vocabulary of a regular two year old. I tried not to point out the fact that she couldnt speak well and treat her exactly the same as I treated the other kids.

Our nanny, Mariah walked in with Quin holding her hand. "Sorry, they just had to see you before work."

"Its ok. Im not really doing anything till later." I said.

The bathroom door opened and Kayanna, who was still naked, came out of the bathroom. She was holding her neck which had a red mark on it from me holding it so tightly.

"KAYANNA." I yelled.

"What?" she asked and put her hand on her hip like nothing was wrong.

"Can you take them downtairs? Ill be down in a minute." I told Mariah.

"Offf....course." she said awkwardly then she grabbed Alani's had and walked out.

I closed the bedroom door behind them and turned around to see Kayanna still standing in the same spot. I cupped my hands together. I was trying not to beat the shit out of her disrespectful ass. How dare she walk out naked in front of my kids?

"Is there a problem?" she asked and looked me up and down.

I started to walk towards, but I got distracted by my phone ringing. I walked over to the bed and picked it up. My homeboy Rich's name flashed on the screen. "Yo Rich." I answered.

"Aye man, I found one of Kyree's major noves. Lets roll out." he said.

"Aight cool." I said.

"Im on the way." he said.

"Cool, see you in a little bit." I said then I hung up.

"Where you going?" Kayanna asked as she pulled up a pair of jeans.

"I should be asking you that. When is you going to get the fuck out of my house and die?" I said.

She walked towards me. "You know you cant live without this pussy."

"Whatever. Im leaving to go handle some business." I said.

I decided to change clothes because I was not about to go out looking like a fool. I put on a black pair of True Religion jeans and a red and black True Religion shirt. I decided to break my all Jordans-Everyday rule and wear some read and white Chuck Taylors.

By the time I was done, Rich was outside waiting on me. I walked down the hall to Lil Q's room to check on him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed playing Grand Theft Auto in PS3.

"Morning Q" I said.

"Wassup." he said without even looking up from the game.

"Im going to handle-" i said before he cut me off.

"Some business." he finished my sentence. "I know. I know."

I looked down at my feet. At that moment I felt like a bad father. Everyday I did the same thing: leave early and come back late. I know it wasnt good parenting, but I was just trying to make sure we got the whole family back together.

"I love you and ill be back soon. I promise." I said then I walked out of the room and went downstairs.

I out the huge front double doors and jumped in the passengers seat of Rich's car. "So wassup." I asked.

He sighed and looked at me. "Bria is alive."

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