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Alex stroked Arthur's cheek. He had been sleeping for a while, and she didn't want to wake him. She couldn't care less about The Lady of the Lake, The Fairy Council, or even Bree at the moment. All she wanted to do was have this little moment with Arthur.

His eyes fluttered and he smiled lovingly at Alex. "I'm sorry," he said. "Everything that's happened, it's all been one adventure."

Alex frowned. "You shouldn't be apologizing," she said. "I was immature."

Arthur touched Alex's hand. "I love you, Alex,' he said. "I've always loved you." his eyes closed and he fell back into a deep slumber.

Alex beamed.

Once Alex returned to the lake with two special people, lighting had already struck. Merlin was gagging on the ground, shivering uncontrollably.

Emerelda and the rest of The Fairy Council were trying to heal him with their white magic, but the lightning was too strong. It was just weakening Merlin even more than the lightning had.

"Stop!" Alex yelled.

Everyone turned to look at her.

Bree had tears in her eyes. She rushed up to her friend and tackled her in a hug.

Alex nodded. "Where's Yukon and Diamond?"

Bree spun around and pointed towards Guinevere. "They're over there. The magic has been drained from them, now that The Lady of the Lake is dead."

"The Lady of the Lake is dead?" Alex asked, shocked. She was so surprised, she couldn't even talk anymore!

Bree nodded. "She basically killed herself. It was an accident, though." a blush was on her cheeks.

"Oh," Alex said, surprised. She walked over to Diamond and Yukon and took them by the shoulders. "We need to get you two back to Neverland and Oz. It's been too long that you've been away from your family and friends."

Diamond smiled. "Afterall, there's no place like home."

Alex nodded, and grinned. "That's true," she said. She let Diamond and Yukon scurry back to Merlin's cottage. Alex felt relief come over her. Her knees buckled and she fell asleep, right there in the field.


When Alex woke up, she noticed Arthur, Conner, Red, and Morina were standing above her.

"Hey sis," Conner said, and waved at his sister.

Alex giggled. "Hey,"

Conner helped his sister up and led her towards Merlin. "You have to save him, Alex, he's really sick."

"I know," Alex said. "I'm so sorry I fell asleep!" Alex shrugged and twirled her wand. A bright blast of blue shot out of her wand and tackled Merlin, lifting him off of the ground and Alex watched in horror as the lightning was washed out of him. He fell to the ground, and Alex rushed towards him. Was he okay?

"Merlin, are you okay?" Alex asked the warlock.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking everywhere but at Alex. "Why am I on the ground?"

Alex explained everything. Merlin was amazed. How had this happened to him? He didn't even remember anything.

Alex smiled. He was alright! She had saved him! Alex felt a pang in her chest. She smiled so widely that Conner thought she was going insane. She was so happy, she couldn't even explain.

"Are we done here?" Guinevere asked, coming over. "Can we go home?" she was drenched in water, still, but she wasn't referring back to Camelot. She was talking about The Land of Stories.

"No," Arthur said from across the grass. He came running over. "You chose the dark side. You're not coming back with us!"

"Arthur," Alex protested. She turned to Guinevere. "Why do you want to come home with us?" she was equally curious.

Guinevere blushed. "I'll be all alone here. If I'm not going, someone has to stay with me!"

Alex realized how childish Guinevere was. It didn't matter what had happened, Guinevere was still a little girl at heart. And she was also Alex's friend. "You can come." Alex said.

"What?" Guinevere and Arthur said in unison, but for different reasons.

Morina came running over. "I have an idea!" she said. She blushed a little bit. "I was listening to you over there-" she pointed to where Red was, and she waved. "And I think I can help Guinevere."

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