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Spanish class was boring. At least, for me it is. I should be in advanced Spanish but all the spots were taken. I've been sketching this new superhero that's been in the media for a few months. His name was Spider-Man. I breathed in a deep sigh as a boy walked in. "I-I-I'm sorry I'm late Mrs. Jensen, it won't happen again." A boy I've know to be called Peter struggled to get out his apology.

"I've been being told this excuse so much this week, I frankly don't even care anymore. Take a seat." Mrs. Jensen added, quite annoyed. I noticed a few seats open but I already knew which one he was going to take. This had to be the day I took the seat right behind Ned, his partner in crime.

As Peter sat down diagonal to me and right beside Ned, I pulled my sleeves farther down and tried to suppress my anxiety while sketching. I don't know what it is about this boy that makes me so nervous, but he just always has. Peter sat down and Ned turned halfway in his seat to talk to him. After chatting a little while, mostly just Peter telling Ned to shut up, Ned caught glimpse of my drawing.

"Whatcha drawing there, Summer?"

My heartbeat quickened and my chest clenched as I tried to sound as chill as possible. "Oh, this? It's nothing."

"Nonsense, that's Spider-Man." Ned assured, looking at Peter quite knowingly. One acquaintance I had budded in.

"Of course it is. Summer has a major crush on him."

"Shut up, Emma!" I scolded and she giggled. My face turned a bright red as a nervously drew the last line to his suit.

"Can I see it?" Peter asked softly. I nodded and handed him my sketchbook.

"Wow, this is amazing." He said and I blushed.

"Thanks, I've been practicing..." I smiled.

"Can I give it to him?"

My heart dropped.

"Can I give it to him? I mean I have that Stark internship, I could have it passed on to him." My heart and face lit up.

"You'd do that?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, sure." He smiled, and I smiled back.

"Thank you so much, Peter!" I thanked him and he shook his head.

"It's really nothing."

That evening, I was chilling in my room watching Netflix and I heard a tapping on my window. I was naturally frightened, but slowly moved over to my window and opened it, to find a sticky note.
'Thanks for the drawing, I love it. -Spidey'

I got the note off the window and put in on my wall. A note from Spider-Man. Wow. I'll have to make sure to give Peter a big hug tomorrow.

I was getting a little tired of skipping school to save the world. Of course, saving people is great. It's my job. I'm failing Spanish now. Fucking Spanish.

As I walked into this dreaded class of mine, I gave my best excuse and sat down next to Ned. This was of course followed by a series of questions about what I did today and why I was late, etc. I mostly shushed him, until he brought up this girl's drawing.

This girl was beautiful. She had pale skin and ginger hair. She had shiny green eyes and freckles danced across her face. I had just gotten Liz, the girl of my dreams, and she moved away. Maybe I could score this one. She's cute.

"She has a crush on Spider-Man!" A girl named Emma teased.

"Shut up, Emma!" Light pink was dusted across her cheeks and I had to restrain myself from blushing.

We talked about her drawing and I promised to give it to 'Spider-Man', which technically I did. I am Spider-Man.

The bell rang for class and Ned questioned me.

"Dude, why'd you do that with Summer?" Ned asked, talking about the drawing.

"I wanted to keep it. It's nice.." I smiled to myself, looking down. Ned's moth dropped.

"No." He said.


"Don't tell me it's a week after Liz left and you've already got the hots for the shy girl."

"What's wrong with that?"


"I'm also 15 and am going to blame it on the hormones." I winked, jogging off to my next class.

Ned stayed over that night, and opposed to our usual Spidey-talk, I couldn't stop thinking about this girl.

I hung from the ceiling, just thinking. Ned sat, typing away on his laptop for whatever reason. "What do you think is her favorite color?" I wondered out loud.

"It's pink."

"How do you know?" I asked, puzzled. Ned turned his laptop toward me. It's kinda hard to read upside down so I came down from the ceiling.

"You're stalking her?"

"It's not stalking, it's social media."

"Valid. She's 15. She likes reading, and drawing. We knew that. Speaking of that-" I took the drawing out of my coat pocket. I unfolded it, and taped it to my wall. "I can't wait to see her tomorrow.."

"Easy buddy, you're still failing Spanish."

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