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"Please, Summer!" Emma pleaded. I had never been so surprised in her.

"Let me just be clear. You want me to hook you up with Ned. Correct?" I double checked.

"Mmhmm." She hummed, and I shook my head in disbelief.

"We're talking about the same Ned right? Peter's best friend?" I was shocked. I had no clue Ned was Emma's type.

"Yes!" Emma shouted.

"Shh!" The school librarian shushed us, glasses hanging low on her nose. I rolled my eyes and grew quieter.

"How do you suppose I do that?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know, be my wingman and we can all go on a double date or something." She suggested.

"Yeah, but, Ned only has one friend and that's-"

"Peter! Perfect. Let me know how things go with asking them." Emma gathered her stuff and left before I could even reject the idea. I put my head in my hands and felt my heart thumping. This anxiety. I have to try my hardest to be confident to fight rejection. I know Emma won't be, but me-

Relationships have always been hopeless for me.

I breathed in a final breath before I saw Ned and Peter walk by the library window. I slung my bag over my shoulder and jogged out of the library and down the hallway to catch up with them.

"Hey! Ned! Peter!" I shouted to get their attention. They stopped and looked at me, and Peter smiled that breathtaking smile.

"Hey, Summer. What's up?" Ned greeted me.

"Nothing much. Just doing a favor for a friend. So, you know Emma?" I asked and Ned shook his head 'no'. Maybe he just didn't recognize the name.

"Okay, anyways. Super hot blonde, pretty blue eyes. The "Summer's got a crush on Spider-Man" girl?" I jogged his memory.

"Oh, yeah, Emma. Why?" Ned squinted.

"Well, she wants to know if you're busy Friday night." I said, confidently. I prayed to god they wouldn't see right through my act. I chewed on my lip waiting for any reply. Ned looked stunned.

"No, no, I have no plans at all." He said, and even Peter looked shocked.

"Great. I'll have her text you." I went to walk away, but then I turned around. "Oh, and, Ned." I shouted back at him. "Bring a friend for me!" I said.

"I only have one!"

"I know!" and with a wink at Peter, I was out this bitch.

That was so much fun. I felt like someone else back there.

As I was walking on cloud 9 from not getting rejected, I felt an arm jerk me to the side of a hallway and it was, to no surprise, Emma.

"How'd it go?" She pestered.

"Amazing. We have a date with Ned and Peter on Friday night." I grinned, and she hugged me.

"I love you. I actually love you. Summer, you are a goddess." She thanked.

"It's no problem, I'm not too mad about going out with Peter anyways." I admitted as we walked into gym class. Something I didn't realize is we'd have to be in the room with both of them all gym class.

"Okay. Today's a free day." Our beefy gym teacher said. "Shoot hoops, walk, sit, I don't care." He said and went into his office.

"Dope." I said, picking up a basketball and dribbling it. I shot a hoop and made it. I high-fived Emma at the thought of finally getting better. I suck at basketball.

"Damn, nice shot." Flash complimented and I threw him a thumbs up. I hate this dude. "Nice ass, too. Will I see it at my party on Friday?" He asked, quite obviously admiring my back side.

"Sorry to disappoint, Flash, but I've got a hot date Friday." I said to him, making another shot. I made sure to say it loud enough to catch Peter's attention. I looked over and noticed Emma talking to Ned, sending total heart eyes his way. I rolled my eyes at them as I made another shot, but missed this time due to obvious aggregation of Flash checking me out.

I sighed, very upset, and plopped myself next to Peter. I didn't say anything, but I felt my face heating up just from sitting next to him. I don't know how I'm going to do this Friday.

"Where are we going Friday?" Emma asked the group of us.

"I was thinking Flash's party." Ned suggested, and I groaned.

"Anywhere else would be nice." I said.

"Aww, c'mon, Summer. Live a little." Emma said, and I sighed.

"It might be fun." Peter whispered to me. I bit my lip, looking at him.

"Okay." I said, and Emma and Ned cheered. I was definitely not looking forward to this.

"I can't believe that just happened." Ned awed as Summer walked away from us.

"Me neither." I said, I was truly shocked, but extremely happy. I high-fived Ned.

"We just scored a date with two of the hottest girls in school, bro." Ned told me.

"I know. I hope any Spidey business doesn't come up Friday." I worried. My life felt like it was falling into a pattern. Fall for a girl, get the girl, lose the girl. I was determined for the last part to not happen this time.

"I forgot all about that." Ned said.

"Well ever since Liz's family ditched town nothing big as come up." I said.

"Well that means you're about due for some bs then." I shrugged, although he had a point. I was just hoping for the best right now.

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