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"May, you can't do that. There's no way you can afford it." I told her, and and shook her head.

"No, I can. I know I can. If I could afford me, Ben, and Peter then I can afford me, you, and Peter. I can, I can." She insisted, and I hugged her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said to her, I was feeling so much love for this woman right now. Just then, Peter walked into the apartment. "What's going on?" He asked.

"I'm officially moving in with you." I told him, and he hugged me, lifting me off the couch and placing a kiss on my lips. I giggled as he sat me down, hugging me again.

"That's great. I'm so happy." He said, moving to hug Aunt May now. "Thank you so much Aunt May." He said and she nodded. "No, thank you for picking someone I like." She joked and we all laughed.

"How about we all go out for celebration ice cream?" May suggested and I nodded.

"Just let me clean my face, first." I said, walking into the bathroom and seeing how much of a mess I was. My eyes were puffy and my face was red from crying and there were streaks of blood all down my face.

Nonetheless, I was proud of myself.

Sure, I had gotten a nosebleed from Flash, but that's it. Britney didn't touch me, and I knocked Flash out. I made a mental note to myself to text Emma and tell her I was suspended.

I grabbed a rag and wet it down with warm water. I dabbed under my eyes, knowing it would help the swelling go down, and wiped the blood off of my face and out of my nostrils. I was surprised he hadn't broken it.

"Ready!" I said, coming out of the bathroom. Peter intertwined our fingers and May drove us to the closest ice cream parlor. We were sitting on a bench, eating our ice cream, when there was a scream.

Peter looked in the direction of the scream, then his head snapped back at me, looking worried.

"I have to go." He said, standing up and throwing his ice cream away. May and I were both worried. He went to walk away, but I felt compelled to grab his wrist.

"Peter.." I said, looking at him with troubled eyes. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Please be careful."

He place his hands on either side of my face and brought me into a warm kiss. It only lasted a few seconds before he pulled away from me.

"I'm always careful."


After changing in an alleyway, I swung to the source of the scream. I sat on top of a building, examining the sight below me.

It was a woman, hovering above the ground slightly and terrorizing those around her. Most of them looked panicked and confused, others had faces of sheer terror as she picked up a nearby car and prepared to throw it.

As the car launched out of her hands toward a young couple, I decided it was my time to swoop in.

I shot a web to the building across the road, swinging in and catching the car in my hands before it had a chance to hit the couple.

Then, in my head, I heard "I've been waiting for you, Spider-Man.", and I knew just what happened.


I took a good look at the lady, then an epiphany came to me. "Stacy?!" I shouted, recognizing the blonde from countless family pictures I'd seen from Summer. She laughed evilly.

"Not anymore."

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