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Hey guys you all should check out my other Peter Parker book called "Restart My Heart". It's a lot better written than this one and I like the storyline better.
Peter and I were walking the hallways now, on a fine Wednesday afternoon. Hand in hand, we strolled down the hallway, everyone looking at us knowingly. It seems as if everybody had been waiting for us to get together.
"Summer, I have to talk to you." Emma ran up to me, saying. She looked excited. I let go of Peter's hand.

"I'll catch you later, Peter." I kissed him on the cheek and headed off to the bathroom with Emma. As we walked into the girl's bathroom, she squealed and hugged me.

"First of all, congratulations on you and Peter being official," she said and I thanked her. "Second of all, Ned and I..." she gestured with her hands, trying to find the right words. After 45 seconds of stuttering and silence, I got the memo.

"You guys did the dirty!" I almost yelled. Emma laughed at me, punching my shoulder. I shook my head at her, smiling. Although it made me want to gag thinking about my best friend engaging in sexual activity with my other best friend, I was happy she was happy. We walked out of the bathroom and greeted our boys, who were chatting playfully by their lockers.

I walked up to Peter and leaned on the locker beside him, studying his facial features. Every time I look at him, I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

That was until Flash and his girlfriend, Britney, strolled by with an evil glare. I felt uneasy and I tugged on Peter's jacket, nodding towards them. He squinted his eyes, sending the dirtiest looks their way. That was when my phone went off, people tagging me in a video from Britney's Instagram.

"Ned and I..."
"You did the dirty!" The video played. I looked over at Emma who had tears in her eyes, and everybody looked over at us, laughing. Emma's reputation was something she held dear to her. She ran to the bathroom, and went to run after her, but Peter held my hand. "Maybe just let her be alone for a while."

I was fuming. I swear I was so mad there was steam coming out of my ears. Tears brimmed my eyes, and not because I was sad, because I was pissed off.

I shook, and everything didn't feel real. I watched as Britney's long, curly, brown hair bounced its way down the hallway.

Before I knew what was happening, I had a fist full of that perfect brown hair and yanked Britney to the floor. It was like I blacked out, I barely knew what was happening. I sat on top of her, drilling her in the face with my fist, she scratched at my arms but I didn't feel any of it.

The adrenaline was knocked out of my body by a strong punch to the face from Flash Thompson.

My whole life came to, I was dizzy and the world was spinning. I sat back against a wall, getting off of Britney. I put my fingers up to my nose, not feeling surprised as I was blood. Everything was in slow motion. I looked up to see Peter swinging at Flash, I jumped up and put my hands on his chest. "Peter, I'm okay." I tried to tell him, but I wasn't sure he could hear me due to his own heavy breathing. Flash tried to tackle Peter, but I raised my fist and hit him. Hard. With pure anger. I looked on the ground to see Britney and Flash laying there, beaten and bloody.

Did I really do that?

Emma came out of the bathroom, probably to see what all the commotion was about, and she gasped. I ran over to her and hugged her, apologizing.

I grabbed Britney's phone, unlocking it with her own thumbprint, got on Instagram and deleted the video. Everyone was staring at us. "What?" I shouted, making everyone go back to their normal day.

The principal came out of his office, glaring at me. "Smith. My office. Now." He ordered, and I sighed, looking sorrowfully at Peter, and following the principal to his office.

Because it was my first offense, he agreed to only suspend me for 3 days, and Britney for 5 for bullying. I made sure to beg so Peter got nothing. He misses enough school as it is.

I walked to Peter's place, alone. I flopped on the couch and my phone started ringing.

"You got suspended?!" Stacy yelled at me through the phone, my head still thumping from Flash's hit, I yanked the phone back, groaning.
"Don't worry about it, Stacy." I rolled my eyes.
"I have to worry about it! Because of your father being dead, it's my responsibility to look after your stupid, immature, dependent, ass. You will come home right-" Beep.

I hung up on her. If she think just because my Dad's gone she has control over me, she's wrong. Show me your legal custody papers, bitch.

It was just then I started crying.

My eyes swollen and my nose clogged, my head was thumping and tears were pouring out of my eyes, mixing with the dried blood that I haven't yet bothered to clean off yet. I couldn't hear anything over my sobs, echoing throughout the apartment.

"Hey, what's wrong?" A gentle hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see Aunt May, her brows furrowed in worry, looking deeply at me.

I contemplated it. I contemplated lying and saying nothing, but what would that really do for me?

"M-my step mom wants me to go home, and I know she's going to try to get custody of me now that my Dad's gone. I don't want it...I-I.." my chest clenched and I leaned my head on May's shoulder, crying into it. She put her hands on my shoulders and I looked up at her.

"I'll keep you."

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