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So Peter Parker's Spider-Man. It makes so much sense now.

The drawing.

Always being late to things.

Always being busy.

Unexplained or badly explained bruises.

Bruises- oh no.

'What am I going to do if I lose Peter? I can't lose him. He's all I have left. He's my only source of happiness anymore and if I ever lost him I'd fall apart.' I thought, sitting in Spanish class behind Emma. These had become our normal seats.

Emma sat beside Ned, and Peter and I were a row back.

Deep in thought, I hadn't even noticed when the teacher was calling my name. Loudly and repeatedly, until Peter tapped my shoulder.

I looked up, blushing furiously as everyone in the room stared at me. I stuttered out the best response I could.

"¿Qué?" I asked, "What?"

"¡presta atención!" Mrs Jensen scolded. "Pay Attention!"

I put my head in my hands, feeling an immense amount of nervous sweating now. I hated this much attention at once, I was shaking. I got poked on the shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Peter whispered to me. I nodded and gave him a thumbs up, but when the bell rang I was more than happy to get out of there.

As soon as I got into the hallway, I felt like I could finally breathe again. Peter put his arm around me. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, Ned and Emma following close behind.

"I'm just not a fan of all the attention, I guess.." I said, taking a deep breath. Peter nodded.

"Well, that's okay. It's over now." He said and I nodded. We were going to lunch now, which was my favorite part of the day.

However, right now I'm just wanting to get home and talk to Peter. I wanna ask him every single detail about being Spider-Man, and who knows about it. I wanna ask what it's like to save people, but put yourself in danger.

The whole time I was thinking about this, I was staring at Peter heroically and dreamily. I found it baffling how he's saved so many people.


Peter was talking his ass off about computers class, and I was watching Summer stare at him like the world would end if he ever stopped talking. I looked at Emma and we both stifled a laugh. Somehow, we always knew what the other was thinking.

As we tried not to laugh, Peter looked confused. Emma reached across the table and snapped in Summer's face, bringing her back into the real world. Her face turned as red as her hair and she stuttered.

"U-uh, s-sorry. I zoned out.." she said, picking a grape off of her table and popping it into her mouth, then she offered Peter some. Like usual, he complied and they shared the grapes.

It honestly baffled me how they weren't dating yet.


Peter and I walked home together, making jokes and such, when I decided to start asking him questions.

"So, who all knows about, you know..?" I asked, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"You, Aunt May, and Ned. You can't tell anyone."

"I know, I know. Do you ever get scared you might die?" I asked, gulping just thinking about it.

"I don't really think about it usually. I just think about getting my mission done, the criminals turned in, and everyone else safe." He replied, and I nodded.

"How do you know how to swing?" I asked, thinking there should be some strategy to it.

"It's just like the physics of a pendulum." He answered.

"How, I mean, why do you have powers?"

"I got bit. By a spider." He said and I nodded.

"Nice." Was all I could think of to say. It was silence the rest of the way home, not an awkward silence, just a comfortable one.


We were sitting in Peter's room, watching Star Wars. I've never seen Star Wars, and I really want to, because it's so hard to understand. Like the 1st one is really the 4th one, etc?

I don't know, from what I paid attention to they were very interesting. Peter's phone started ringing.

"Parker, we need you." Said a voice from it.

"Be there in 5." Peter said firmly. "Spidey business. I'll see you after." He said, stripping down to his boxers and putting on his suit. He went to climb out the window but I stopped him.

"Wait, Peter."

He stopped, and looked at me.

"Please promise you'll be careful."

He enveloped me into a hug, and I breathed in the scent of his spandex material suit. Not as pleasant as his normal smell, but I couldn't complain.

"I'm always careful." He said, diving out the window and I saw him swinging from buildings in the distance.

"Doesn't look careful to me..." I whispered to myself, sighing and sitting on his bed.

After 30 minutes of attempts to pay attention to the movie on screen, I decided I wanted something to drink.

I exited Peter's room, feeling eerie. I went into the kitchen and got into the fridge, pulling out some apple juice, I got a cup out of the cabinet, and poured myself a glass. I took a drink and looked up-

then I dropped my glass.

Standing in front of me had to be a 7 foot tall man with big, muscley arms coated in green. His green suit was paired with big, purple wings, and a purple mask.

"Hello, princess."

Shy➰Peter Parker [Tom Holland]Where stories live. Discover now