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Months had past, Peter and I grew closer. Emma and Ned made things official, but Peter and I remained as friends, not that I would complain if we were anything more...

Peter was just so busy all of a sudden, we were best friends, and we've talked every day for three months, but these past 4 days I haven't heard a thing from him, and he hasn't came to school. I started to get worried- something inside me told me something was wrong.

I sat at the lunch table with my lunch, anxiously third wheeling. I moved my food around, and slid it away from me.

"Ned, have you heard from Peter?" I gulped, asking right after him and Emma shared a kiss.

"Yeah, he's coming in pretty late today, but he texted me and said he'd be in, in about 10 minutes. That was 8 minutes ago." My heart swelled with happiness as I saw the familiar curly-haired boy walk through the cafeteria doors, and I couldn't suppress a smile.

He sat down beside me and side-hugged me. "Sorry guys, I've been sick and I slept in late today." He said, sniffling. It sounded pretty fake to me but I didn't question it. I picked up a strawberry from my tray.

"Strawberry?" I asked and he accepted it, gladly munching down on the red fruit. "I missed you, dork." I told him and he smiled. Now that he looked directly at me, I could see a bruise on his face.

"I missed you to-"

"Peter, what the fuck happened to your face?" I asked, cutting him off.

"Oh, it's nothing. I fell off my bed when I was sleeping." He told me but I grabbed his face and cradled it in my hands. I examined it with worry.


It was killing me not telling her. I scanned her face as she examined mine. I analyzed every part, from her furrowed brows, down the the puckeredness of her lips, and how a faint dimple showed on her right cheek. I winced when she poked my bruise.

"I'm sorry." She said with sympathy. She then let go and went back to eating her strawberries, which she thankfully shared with me. I hadn't seen her in almost 5 days, and she still looked as amazing as ever. I missed her so much, but I had a mission with Stark. I know she'd be worried sick if she knew what I really got up to.

"Do you guys wanna hang out in the gym after school today? It's free and since I'm captain of the girls basketball team, I get to use it for my own will." Emma said.

"Totally down." Ned agreed, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend.

"I've got nothing better to do." I said, nudging Summer. "You in?"

"For sure." She said and I fist-pumped. I've missed her so much and it's only been a few days.


"Oh come on, give me the ball back, Parker!" Summer yelled, chasing Peter around the room, giggling. I stared at them intently, watching how they interacted with each other.

"Whatcha thinking about?" My beloved girlfriend, Emma, asked me.

"Oh, just about how my best friends are in love and they don't even know it." I said, as Summer finally snatched the ball and ran away from Peter. I knew he could catch her, but he was letting her have her fun.

"Tell me about it." Emma said, gazing at the couple. Peter hugged Summer from behind and spun her around, grabbing the ball once again and sitting her down. Summer lost her balance and fell. Peter grew more serious.

"Woah, Summer, are you okay?" He asked, coming towards her. She winced in pain, but then grabbed the ball and ran off, laughing.

"They're so gonna get married one day." Emma said, and Summer looked at us.

"Why are you guys just staring at us?" She asked, curiously.

"Don't worry about it!" Emma said playfully. "Let's go get some fro-yo. I'll pay." Everyone knew Emma was loaded, so we didn't object. It was starting to get dark, though. We walked to the fro-yo shop and all got our unique flavors. We sat down in a booth, Emma and I in one side and Summer and Peter in another.

As we were enjoying our frozen yogurt, Summer got a phone call. "Yeah? Hey. Why? What? What happened? Is he okay?" Tears brimmed her eyes. "Wait, Stacy!" and the phone conversation was over.

"I have to go." She said, letting a few tears fall.

"Let me walk you home." Peter insisted.

"I need to be alone right now." She sniffed, quickly gathering her things and leaving the shop. I saw an idea in Peter's mind right after she left.

"You know what? I should get going too." He said and quickly left without saying goodbye. I knew Summer would be taken care of.


I swung from the buildings of Queens. Shooting webs at anything that will let me keep an eye on Summer. She was walking home alone, in the dark. That's not safe as a teenage female. As I suspected might happen, an older guy started messing with her. First he was calling her names, now he was trying to put his hands on her. This is my cue.

"Hey, buddy!" I shouted, swinging in and kicking the man. I webbed his hands and feet to the ground, as well as his mouth shut. "Harassing girls is never cute." I told him. I walked over to Summer, carefully. "Hey pretty thing. Why don't you tell me what's wrong?" I slung my suited arm over her shoulder. Something about this suit always made me so much more confident.

"Well, my step-mom called me and told me to get to the hospital. Apparently my Dad's been in some accident and is badly hurt. He might not make it, and then this jerk.." she said, gesturing back to the man on the ground. "Plus, my friends been acting very distant towards me for a few days. I feel like he's got better things to do than be my friend." She spilled it all to me.

"I'm sure that's not true, I really hope your father's okay. You should never be walking alone like this. Want a lift?" I asked and she nodded. I put my arm around her waist, and shot a web, I begun swinging and gliding until we got to the hospital.

"Thank you so much, Spider-Man." She hugged me, and I hugged her back tightly.

"No need to thank me, sweetheart."

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