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Peter and I never made much contact in the mornings.

He usually got up way earlier than me, and made himself breakfast, which I don't usually eat because it makes me sick to eat early in the morning.

This is why I was surprised when my alarm went off, and a sleepy boy held me in his arms, groaning and not wanting me to get up. "5 more minutes." Peter said in a sleepy voice.

I giggled, taking in his adorable morning voice and shaking him awake. "We have a Spanish quiz." I reminded him.

"I'm gonna fail if I show up or not." Peter said.

"No you won't! You're going to pass." I assured him, pulling him out of bed. He groaned again. "Peter, you have to get up. You miss enough school as it is."

"Okay, okay. I'm up." He said, and I got in his closet and tossed him a grey shirt that said 'NASA' on it. I got into my drawer and picked out an outfit, going to the bathroom to change.


We were sitting at lunch, and I was eating my daily dose of strawberries when a boy came up to our table, sitting down beside Emma and looking me in the eyes.

"Hi." He said, almost shyly, hiding his blue eyes behind his blonde fringe. "Uh, I'm Dylan."

As he introduced himself, I found he was trying very hard to make eye contact. He was one of Flash's minions, so I always thought he was up to something.

"I know who you are. I'm Summer." I stuck out my hand to shake his, but he grabbed it and kissed the back of it. His hands and lips were cold.

I felt a tension in the air. I don't know if it was from me being awkward or if something else was happening, but I know it was there.

I took my hand away, almost yanking it as I looked at Emma with pleading eyes.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the movies with me on Saturday.." Dylan asked, his stone cold eyes staring into my soul. There was something about him that made me shiver.

"Oh." I said, my lips in a straight line as I tried to find any excuse to get out of it.

"I-I, uh, I have a boyfriend." I said, smiling the best sad smile I could.

"Oh, who?" Dylan asked and my hands grew sweaty. Good question. My mouth went dry as I went to the easiest explanation.

I grabbed Peter's hand, lacing my fingers with him and I put our hands on the table.

"It's actually Peter. Sorry." A hint of sadness flashed in his eyes as he scoffed and push himself away from our table.

"Whatever, losers." Flash yelled from his group, patting Dylan on the back. I felt bad for rejecting the kid.

I did notice that Peter and I had not let go of each other's hand, and it sent warmth all throughout my body.

"I can't believe you dated that guy." I said to Emma, glaring at Flash from across the room. They had dated Freshman year, it was not pleasant for anybody.

"I know. It was disgusting." She said and we all laughed. I was really happy that she was happy with Ned.



I laid in my bed confused.




My girlfriend???

Jesus on a boat. I really need some clarification.

"Peter, are you okay?" Summer asked, tilting her head to the side. I quickly nodded and just mumbled out,

"Yeah, fine. I'm fine."

She smiled and giggled softly at me, then her eyes flashed with worry.

"Oh my god, I just realized I totally didn't ask your permission to tell him that. Now the whole school is going to think we're dating and you probably don't want people to think that. I mean what if there's a girl you like and we have to fake a break up or something just so you can ask her out and-"

I cut her off my grabbing her face and smashing my lips into hers. She hummed, the next word she was saying disappearing into a little void of smushed lips.

"If you're so worried about it- why don't we just make it official?" I asked after pulling away. She bit her lip and nodded, smiling. I rested my forehead against hers and stared into her deep green eyes.

To any other person they would be normal, but not to me.

Her eyes looked like home to me. They looked like the shielded something so powerful, and I knew they did.

They shield her wild soul.

I can see it in them. Mountain climbing, hike going, adventure seeking eyes.

Eyes where when I look in them, I feel like I'm the only person they could ever look at.

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