Chapter 6

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It was the day of Courtney and Olivia's lunch date. Courtney was extremely nervous at how it would go and Olivia was ecstatic that she finally had the chance to go on a date with Courtney.
"Hey Mari?" Courtney said knocking on her bedroom door.
"Yeah?" Mari replied
"I'm really nervous about his date and I really need some advice. What if I say or do something stupid?" Courtney nervously asked.
"You don't have to worry so much Court just be yourself, Olivia obviously likes the Courtney that you were before you asked her out" Mari said reassuringly.
"Okay thank you Mari you're for real a life saver" Courtney said feeling relieved
"What're friends for?"
                                       * * *
"Olivia! Are you ready?" Courtney yelled down the hall awaiting her date.
"Yeah almost, just let me put on my shoes" Olivia called back.
Courtney heard footsteps coming from the hall and she turned around to see Olivia somehow looking more beautiful than ever. Courtney just stood in awe of the girl before her.
"Even though you're just dressed casual you look as beautiful as ever, maybe even more" Courtney said in amazement.
"You look gorgeous yourself"said Olivia with a smile.
The two got into Courtney's car and started making their way to the destination.
"Where are we going?" Olivia finally asked when Courtney turned on to a dirt road.
"You'll see" she replied.
5 minutes later they were on a mountain with a beautiful view over Los Angeles.
Courtney got out of the car, opened the door for Olivia and retrieved a basket and a blanket from the trunk. The two sat down on the blanket and began eating.
"Court, this is amazing" Olivia said after finishing her salad.
"Not as amazing as you" Courtney replied with a big smile on her face.
"On a scale of one to ten I'd rate this date a six and a half" said Olivia with a straight face.
"Oh, why only a six and a half" replied Courtney with a hurt expression on her face. Did Olivia really think our date was that bad thought Courtney.
"You forgot the one thing that could make this day better" Olivia said
Courtney looked at her with a confused look for a moment, before Olivia leaned in and kissed her.
They kissed for a short amount of time but Courtney wanted it to last forever.
"Now it's a ten" Olivia said once they pulled away

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