chapter 1

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The story starts from that age when a child steps into a boy stage . He is from a capital of Rajasthan. The city is known for his handicraft and heritage culture and later termed as "PINK CITY" . There is lots of tourist visit every year , Because of its beautiful crafted and designs monuments . The city has also other popular stuff like its famous Rajhasthani food . But this story is not about only the city it is about the boy name as kabir . So lets talk about him now , he is a shy boy in school who don't talks to much and always in him self . He has some selected friends which are so close to him . In lower classes he is a brilliant student in his studies and was topper at that time . But now the time has changed and he reaches 11th grade , but his past two years records are below average , he manages to come this far . Now everything is changed his friends are moving in other section with their respective streams like (science , commerce , arts) . He felt alone in that class without his old friends . Next day he talk to a boy who is sitting along side of his bench , just to know about the stuff going in the class nothing else . He just waiting and eagerly watching the wall clock in his class . To show 2 o'clock , so that he can run from this freaking lecture and boring students, he reached to his Auto rickshaw and sit on his regular seat . The rickshaw wala is good in nature with nice sense of humor , he is also like a friend to kabir .But more often he is quiet and clam. He lives 8 km away from school , which not big distance in the city . it hardly takes 30 mins to reach hi home . On that day he is in his own zone as all the things has changed for him , his class , teachers , studies and more importantly his friends . Without realizing the time , place and situation he just moving in his own zone . Suddenly auto rickshaw stops , the driver  said loudly ...


he jumps out of the rickshaw with his bag . And opens the door of the house to enter in .. 

The Truth of  Life Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon