chapter 8

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Now he has to make the decision to execute his big plan ,before his parents tell him about there plan for his further studies and life . Next day he told his mom that he wants to go beyond the city for his further studies and college . His mom was in a shock for a while about his statement . He ask him, from where did you got these types of ideas ,just forgot this idea and do whatever we told you to do . He has some miscellaneous thoughts about its further studies , just because of that wired statement from his mother . He decided to do something before it get too late for him. Next day he has starting packing his stuff and clothes , he has manage to do that before anybody known about this and his plan ,he was little quite on that not because some one will known about his plan during conversation with him . Actually he was little bit worried about the run away plan and its consequences . He has never done these types of things in his life ,but now the time has come to do these freaking stuff .Suddenly the day past and night came , he was getting to closer to execute his bloody plan . At night he mange to get out from the house without letting anybody to know about it . He reaches the bus stand to get away from the city . Now he has to choose the category of the bus and it's timing of journey . He take a normal A/C bus to Delhi which will take 5 hrs to reach Delhi . He has a bad felling about leaving his parents and house in this way , but he has no other choice to do . He take deep breath and decided to focus on his plan and the journey . Next day he reached to the Capital of India . he went out of the bus and feel the cool wind blowing in the city at that point of time . Now the big question is to find a place to live in the strange city .He decide to ask the driver about where he should go to stay safely in the city . But he hesitate to ask to the driver and soon the bus left . Now he has to do everything on his own in the new and strange city .He went to the near by lounge and ask for the room to stay . Next day he wake up and prepared him self to walk over the city . He went to the some institutions for his further studies .They gave him some brochure and pamphlet about their institution and courses .He told them that he will choose one of the courses soon and take leave from the institute , he call his mom and told her about the situation and also that don't worry about him ,he is fine and came soon to meet her .Than similarly he went other institutes for the courses , after whole day roaming here and there in the city . He came back to his room . Next day he decide to do some multimedia course from the one selected institution . He went to the institution for the fees structure and the time duration of the course.. But the problem for choosing the courses is the fund . After some time he came back to his room . In the evening he went out to explore the city to known the places and local people out their . Suddenly he notice lots of strange thing which he haven't seen in his town , though the town wasn't to small . People working here and there for earning some money . Everybody was busy in his own stuff , Running for some thing or from something , Traffic lights constantly changes after a while . He felt good about it .Because it is his first interaction with the city .He went all over the city not exactly the whole the city ,mostly the main areas or places .he went to the central park of the city , and spend sometime watching others people and traffic running constantly . Suddenly he got and idea for his funds for the courses . But before he do that he has to have a conversation about it with his parents , He came back to his room and decide to call his parents and told everything about the idea . But before he calls he has to adjoin some courage to speak with his father .Finally he make a call bells ringing ringing ......


Now he is in little bit worried that why there is nobody to take his call at that moment . but he ignores it and went out for the dinner . he reached a small shop which offers some food and beverages to drink , he got inside and straight away got to sit on that freaking old , halfbroken chair kept in the corner of the small shop . Suddenly he realise some voice is coming ... he peep through that corner and saw that there was tv set in the shop , which is telecasting some stupid pupit show .

The next min the hard and weighted voice came across .....


Suddenly the owner of the shop changed it to the News channel

After saw the news channel Kabir fall from his chair , because the news is about the freaking Earth Quake happend in his home town ...

Suddenly he ran out of the shop and starting searching for telephone booth to call her parents .... he find one telephone booth and make a call , but nobody answers his call again ...

Now he is in serious concern about his parents , he run fast as fast as possible to his room for the his moblie phone , which he forgot in there , while running towards the room , through market croud , he bumped to a girl of his age , she falls down , a beautiful girl with silky hair , candy lips and decent height . But inspite of these things , he won't notice any of them . He just in too much rush that he forgot to say sorry to her ...Finally he made it to his room and make a call once again but the results are the same ..


He tried to call his neighbour ..but the results are same ..

He decide to go back to his hometown and check what the hell was happen with his parents ... He went to the railway station straight away and ask for the trains for his home town . Suddenly he realized one thing that he has lost his wallet somewhere and has no money to travel back .. At that moment of time he is hopeless in the strange city without knowing anyone . Although he has been through these type of situation in his past but there is always his family for support and concern. But this time there was nobody for him in this big , randomly moving traffic city . At last he decide to go back towards his room . Now he has no choice to just stay where he is now at the this moment . Next day he again try to make call to his parents but nobody replied .. He is now frustrated and felt completely broken . Suddenly he saw some random pamphlets flawing here and there every where on the street . while he was sitting on the stairs of his room which is outside of his room .. Suddenly one pamphlet came near by him while flawing on the streets . This is an advertisement of cafe coffee day about the part time job for college students .He exactly known what does it means .But the question is that how could he came beyond the situation right now .He decided to go for a job , because he has no other choice to get out the situation .So.... 

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