chapter 7

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He saw that aditi is waiting outside of the rickshaw for someone , he thought probably for him . he reaches close to he rickshaw and seat inside at the corner . But she was still outside waiting for some thing , suddenly driver said loudly get inside we have to leave now . Kabir is little excited and waiting for the conversation to be happen again with her . She also came inside and saw kabir but won't said anything , probably she was upset for the stuff for which she was waiting outside . Kabir is still waiting for her to start something like in the morning and staring at her in the rear view mirror of auto rickshaw , suddenly he realize that she was hot also and checking out her figure . At once she said

"hi kabir how are you and how was your day today in school "

He replied yeah "it was good as always you say what about you"

She said nothing yaar , it's just the boring lecture and odd professor teaching about science all the day , infact the chemistery and bio labs are also boring . But what can i do , my parents want to see me becoming a doctor , that's why i am in science stream. He said don't be so low hearted , just try to clam and enjoy the study you will see the difference . She is quiet impress by the statment of kabir , but didn't let him known about it . Suddenly auto rikshaw stops . He realise that is was a traffic signal ,not his home , after sometime the auto rikshawa was almost empty , just both of them are treveling in their . Suddenly kabir's home came and he went out with some misclleneous thoughts in his mind about the satetment he said to her, where as she was impresed and start liking his sense of humor and maturety . Next day kabir came in to class with some confidence and passion towards his studies . He replied again to a question and coincidently that was right too, the days was passing good in school and at home for kabir. After some time there was a pre-board examination to be held , but in mean while the relationship between both of them are going good and on the past friendship day ,

"Aditi tied a friendship band on Kabir's wrist "

After that they share lots of things as a close friends do , mean while sharing those memories , Kabir fall in loves with her voice , attitude ,style daunting personality . But for her he was just a normal boy with whom she pass her time in school . Things was going like this for sometime which is good for her but not for him as he didn't known the truth of this relationship yet . After some time his pre-board exams are on the edge . He has a priority for his studies first and try to focus on that but cant control on the feelings towards her and everytime thinks about her , infact in studies time also. His exams are close now to happen , insoite of that he thought to express his felling to her ,as if they will not meet in future . After his first three exams he decided to express his fellings to her . He went school after a longtime as their was a month holiday for prepration . He go closer to her and ask to come with him . Suddenly he is on his knees and ask her for a loving realationship with her


She is in totaly schocked and wonder that how time's change earlier she want to be on his side but now ... She said


He is happy about the satement and tell her , that she have just 4days to think about it . After that he will not able to come school for the answer, till that there is a ferwell party for him by the junior and mind you she was also his junior one . She promise him , that she will tell about it on the 4th day . Suddenly Kabir is now felling that he is in heaven with her and enjoying the wiered things out their , he started day dreaming about her and didn't recognise that the day has come . Next day he is eagerly waiting for her replie and he is in his own zone and preparing for the replie , if she say yes . Suddenly he saw her with other with her arm locked in with his arm , like an married couple . He was completey shattered by the act of her ,and don't even bothered about the reply . He completley known now , that the whole thingh was one sided .


He thought why these kind of ending always happen to him, everytime the start was good but unfortunately end was not good inuff. He always learn somethings from these incidents , so for this time also he learns the quality of enjoying every moments , fro her and decided to move on as always . Next day he went to his father and ask for something , now a days , due to his better perfomence in school ,his father was happy for him and said.



Father said okay i will bought you a brand new "Activa" , it is an two wheeler with no gear , so there would be no issues regarding the lisence for sometime , atleast for exams . He is happy about the reply ,he had make this dicision just to move on from that freaking relationship . After somedays he got his ride and went for the board examination , after some hactic and studied weekends , exams were over for him. But he is still somewhere in that freaking relationship , trying to come out as soon as possible , for that he join a club near by for passing out time . He plays basket ball there with some big boys who were more older then him . Mean while days are coming closer fro the result . He is now not nervous about it , because he was in some other world , in his own zone , those old memories . In relevant to fact that days are getting closer for results . Suddenly next day , while reading news paper his mom said


He is little bit nervous about the result , he went on the internet and start punching his roll no with keeping his finger cross . Suddenly he can't believe that he passed his boards examination . He has tears in his eyes about the result but at once he swipe it before anbody sees it .

He tell everybody about his result , suddenly there was a positive and happy vibes all over the house , his parents are happy for him and promise to gave him a party for his big achievment . But from kabir's point of view the party is not the big deal , he is already has a big plan for his future ...


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