Chapter 10

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The phone rings ..! but she didn't pick at first . Kabir thought that it is fake and he is wasting time in calling her . Suddenly phone rings, he picked and say

Kabir : "Hello"

Girl : "Hello" who is this ..

Kabir : hi i am kabir a guy from the cafe , you gave me your number few days back and told to me to call you . Remember..

Girl : Yeah , i told you to call me , i remember that , you known that where i saw you ..?

Kabir : No i didn't know that , in fact i didn't know your name till now ..?

Girl : Ooh so sorry , let me introduce my self !

My name is "Shraddha" and i an artist ! and i met you longtime ago when you was running in the market and bumped into me ..

Kabir : ooh so you are the one who had done that to me ..!

Shraddha : "Sorry" i didn't get it , i mean what you are talking about .

What i had done to you .

Kabir : "Nothing" ..! you wont understand that .. and he cut the phone call.

Shraddha : Hey , hello .. hello . what the hell..

Next day he went to the cafe with mislleneous felling about the girl and her statment on the phone call. Suddenly his boss call him ..

Boss : Hey kabir !

Kabir: Yes sir coming in a bit .

Boss : So how are you , and hows the work going ..?

Kabir : Sir i am fine and work is going good .

Boss : okay that's sounds great .

Now he is back to his serving duty , but he is constantly thinking about why she had stolen his wallet ..!

Next day Shraddha came to the cafe to sortout all misunderstanding with Kabir , but unfortunately he is not in the cafe at the momemt . She tried to ask about him from the other waiter in the cafe . But no one known where is he and at what time he will come today . After an hour she went out of the cafe .

On the same day at 8:00 pm he came to the cafe , and told the senior manger about his night shift in the cafe .Which is going to start from now onwards and went on the duty for serving orders.

Sunddenly one of his co worker passing by and told him about the shraddha and ask for the reason for changing the shift .

Rahul: Hey my name is rahul and you are kabir ..! right ??

Kabir : Hi rahul and Right i am Kabir but how could you know my name , have we met before .??

Rahul : No we have not met before but Shraddha told me your name

Kabir : What..! how do you know about Shraddha and what she told you about me ..?

Rahul: She came to the cafe in the morning and asking for you , I know her that much only . by the way i have to go now , so i take a leave now . Bye catch u later ..

Kabir : okay but wait i want to ask something else .. Unfortunately he is in a rush and gone form the cafe .

After few hours the shift is off now for kabir , he is now walking off and went out of the cafe . Suddenly he get a call from "Shraddha" ..

Firstly he think to pick it up but at the at last moment , before he miss the call , he picked ..!

Kabir : Hello ..

Shraddha : Hey kabir why you are not at the cafe today in the morning time..? everything is fine .

Kabir : How dare you to call me after doing those thing to me ..?

Shraddha : What ! the hell you are taking about ? what i had done to you ?

Kabir : okay listen don't call me again and i don't want to tell you what you had done to me .

Shraddha : Hey..! wait listen ..hello hello .(beep sound from the other side ) he cut it again .

Next day she didn't came to the cafe , But he did . At the night he is working usually in the cafe . But before 15mins from the closing of working hours. He suddenly saw her out of the cafe , constantly staring at him and waiting for him to come out and talk with her . But kabir is not intresting in that bullshit coversation at all .

He didn't went out to talk to her , but she still waiting for him from the last 20 mins . The time getting further it's now 11:00 clock and it's not safe for the girl in the capital to saty so long alone at the streets .But she still waiting for him , don't know why she was so desprate to talk to him. Suddenly she decided to go back to her home , she starts walking towards her home . But due to late at night the streets are empty and dark . Its not safe no longer because of the wiered , crazy staker and thieves . She mange to cross the first street safely , But suddenly she heard someone footsetps sounds coming from the dark shadows and street alongside . She is now completely frighten and taking further steps carefully and fastly . After a while she stooped and notice that the sound are getting closer and clear . She decided to run now as fast as she can , before those sound or people catch her .

She is running like a dear from a lion . Further she is running through the streets and dark shadows , Suddenly she fell on the road , with scary fellings , high breath and sweating ..! she is now hopelees and waiting to get the help from some where. Suddenly she heared something , it's a bike coming towards her with to persons riding on it , but she can't judge them because they have jackets with hoot over there heads . After few mins the bike stoped near her , and one man came towards her ..!

Shraddha : Please let me go ..! Hey somebody help..!

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